모든 어린이들을 위한 약속 “every child” #ForEveryChild #Unicef @UNICEF @unicefkorea
Reaching #ZeroHunger and beating malnutrition requires changes at the earliest stages of a person’s life 👶🏽 The #1 priority #ForEveryChild is access to a healthy diet 🍎🥦🍲 #SDGs #SOFI2019 #AsiaPacific @UNICEF @UNICEF_EAPRO @myUNICEF @unicefkorea
Let’s go! Today is World Children’s Day! 💙 A day to think about how we want to reimagine a safer, greener world #ForEveryChild. Join me and @UNICEF_EAPRO @UNICEF @unicefkorea on this wonderful day, and share your ideas for a better future for all. 💙
Happy 20 November #WorldChildrensDay! Will continue to work with determination to build a better world #ForEveryChild. @UNICEF
Her çocuğun eşit haklarla doğduğuna, sağlık, eğitim, temiz çevre ve korunmuş bir doğayı hak ettiğine inanıyoruz. Sporcularımızla @unicefturk'in iklim seferberliğini destekliyoruz. #İklimEylemi biz de varız. #DünyaÇocukGünü #climateaction #ForEveryChild #dunyacocukhaklarigunu
Happy birthday @UNICEF! For 75 years, UNICEF has worked #ForEveryChild, everywhere. We are excited to continue working together for a better future. 💙 #UNICEF75
📣#jhope info🍀 『BTSジェイホープさんがトルコ、シリア地震被害児童緊急救護に1億ウォンを寄付し、ユニセフ·オーナーズクラブの会員になりました。 すべてを失った子供たちのために多くの方々の温かい関心をお願いします。』 素晴らしいホビ💝 #ユニセフ #UNICEF #ForEveryChild #Türkiye #Syria twitter.com/unicefkorea/st…