フィンランドより最強のことわざを入手しました。 「やり方はいくらでもある」と、おばあちゃんは猫でテーブルを拭きながら言った。 そうだ、この心意気だ! 岩波書店「世界」10月号 #ことわざの惑星 #Suomi #Finland
MIDDLE FINGERS UP, EUROPE!! #Eurovision #OpenUp #Finland
ラッキーガール!!✨✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #YNN #Finland #Lapland
YNNで配信中のフィンランド オーロラ旅🇫🇮✨ 思い出すだけで幸せ😊✨ 見てくださいましたかー?? #YNN #Finland
I have issued an open letter appealing to countries — #Australia, #Finland, #Germany, the #Netherlands, #NewZealand, the #UK, and the #US — that have signed extradition treaties with Hong Kong to suspend such arrangements. Hong Kong no longer enjoys the rule of law.
Heavy Metalin voima! ! Oletko valmis Head Bangiin? #Finland #Helsinki #METALGALAXY #worldtour #BABYMETAL
#StandWithUkraine. Unity within #NATO. Condemnation of Russian aggression. Allies and partners in lockstep. In Tokyo tonight, the ambassadors from NATO countries and partner countries #Finland and #Sweden came together in support of freedom and peace in Europe.
List Of #NATO Member States Updated with: #Finland 🇫🇮 [Tomorrow] Full list: nato.int/cps/en/natohq/…
METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR(Europe)Confirmed!! 『METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR(ヨーロッパ)』開催決定DEATH!! babymetal.com/news/?id=92 #BABYMETAL #UK #Germany #Sweden #Norway #Denmark #France #Austria #Belgium #Netherlands #Finland #Russia #METALGALAXYWORLDTOUR #Newalbum
Snowfall in Fiskars Village #Finland 🇫🇮
Enjoyed a productive meeting with the delegation from the Finnish parliament @SuomenEduskunta headed by @KarnaMikko. I am confident that cooperation between #Taiwan & #Finland, as well as our democratic resilience, will only grow stronger.
とりあえず矢倉楓子を埋めときました☺️❄️ #Finland #Lapland 🇫🇮
Putin mistakenly gambled on the int’l community turning a blind eye to his brutal invasion of Ukraine. He lost that bet. #NATO allies and partner countries #Finland and #Sweden met again in Tokyo today to condemn his atrocities. We all stand with #Ukraine.
#Finlandiya Ziyaretimiz. Visit to #Finland. 🇹🇷🇫🇮
Effective immediately, #Finland is a member of #NATO – this is great news and a boost to transatlantic security. A strong ally is joining our Alliance. Sweden’s accession, which is still pending, has our full support!
Onnea @MarinSanna! Delighted to see such a talented, capable politician elected as Prime Minister of #Finland, showing the world once again that strong leadership has no age or gender prerequisite. apnews.com/aaba1c784bf702…
Another Day… Another Country… Another Gym… フィンランドからおはようございます!❤️💪🇫🇮 #FinlandiaTrophy #Finland
もい!昨日、フィンランド北部の街オウルでは、雪の上でも自転車に乗る人が多いと伝えたけど、標識を雪上に写すこんな試験も行われてるそう。確かに昼でも暗くて雪の溶けないオウルではいいかも?MT @pekkatahkola: #Oulu, #Finland. #MeanwhileinOulu
#手塚治虫 原作の手塚眞監督作品「#ばるぼら」はフィンランドのナイトビジョン国際映画祭(8/19-22)で上映が決定! TEZUKA’S BARBARA adapted from the #OsamuTezuka #manga by his son @MacotoTzk has been selected to @nightvisionsff in #Finland from Aug 19-22 nightvisions.info/wp/portfolio/t…
#Snowflakes in Fiskars Village #Finland 🇫🇮
もこもこ野郎です🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ Laplandに来ております!! 雪が尋常じゃない❄️ ゆきぃーーー❄️ #Lapland #Finland
Embassy of #Finland has been showered with sledgehammers in #Russia, a terrorist state. An innocuous start of Wagner operations inside Russia as described in the #FSBletters. Expect this to grow into full on domestic terror.
Hosted my friend FM @Haavisto of #Finland. Our trade has increased despite the pandemic. Will hold the first meeting of the Joint Trade & Economic Commission in June. Our cooperation continues in the UN Group of Friends of Mediation.🇹🇷🇫🇮