Harmony & Rule of Law Essential for Sustaining Peace & Cooperation in Region Not Ethnic Hate Mongering Campaigns/Agendas #Egypt #Eritrea #Ethiopia #SaudiArabia #Somalia #Sudan #SouthSudan #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #G7 #BBC #CNN #NKH エリトリア エチオピア fec-ais.com/en/events/?p=2…
Don’t be at all surprised if Tigray Peoples Liberation Front leaders stares on your face and tells you “no ceasefire if #Eritrea doesn’t vacate Eritrea and #Ethiopia doesn’t vacate Ethiopia (I will marry you……but….story)” #UNSC #EU_Commission #AUC エリトリア エチオピア
CASE CLOSED: after fully investigating all allegations made, the Attorney General of #Ethiopia has asserting that the #Eritrea/n Defense Force members were falsely accused of crime/s committed in Axum on Nov 2020 #HRC47 #HRW #EU_Commission #AlJazeera #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
#Diplomats4Women #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
Stop unfairly stereotyping inhabitants living in Middle East, East Africa & Nile Basin countries who have lived in the centers & tributaries of the Greek, Roman, Cushitic, Nilotic, Semitic & Hamitic civilizations during the March of Time #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
1991 TIGRAY WARLORDS’ STRATEGIC COVERT & OVERT PLAN on #Eritrea : PM Meles lobbied, behind closed doors, confidants/prospective allies that he will take calculated measures against Eritrea after “euphoria of independence evaporates” #UNGA #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC
The lions in Africa roared when they heard “members of the Security Council reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity and unity of #Ethiopia”エリトリア エチオピア #Eritrea #AU #IGAD #UNSC EU_Commission @AmbassadorSophia
RECENT MEMORY;13 May 1998: TIGRAY warlords declared war on Eritrea claiming Badme & its environs is in Tigray. 5 June 1998:TIGRAY warlords’ aircrafts bombed Asmara Airport. US diplomacy failed to stop it & invasion of #Eritrea (1998-2000). #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア #UNGA
It is history now but a history of heroism that must be never forgotten: Raza Military Operation of 40,000 militia raised from Tigray in #Ethiopia was routed out in its base by a brilliant preemption operation of #Eritrea/n Peoples Liberation Front in 1976 エリトリア エチオピア
Compare and contrast Tigray warlords and their spillover clients posing as HUMAN RIGHTS champions in the Horn of Africa for the past decades on behalf of #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia in the corridors of power #UNHRC #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
On site Asahi Shimbun investigative journalism shade light on mass cold blood killings of >600 innocent people by Tigray Forces in Mai Kadra #Ethiopia near borders of #Eritrea #Sudan #BBC #NYTimes@hawelti#PMAbiy #G7 #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア asahi.com/articles/ASP43…
CULTURAL DISRESPECT! You must be truly from Mars to believe a story by Tigray Forces & sympathizers in wide circulation after Nov2020 of 1.Coptic Christian priest in #Ethiopia named daughter Mona Lisa & 2.He watched daughter being rapped by a gunman after 18yrs #NYTimes #Eritrea
President ISAIAS announced tdy that #Eritrea shall dispatch delegation to Addis Abeba to a constructive engagement with #Ethiopia #BBC #CNN
Pointing to its “”Active Engagement Initiative”, #Eritrea issued statement that pleads with President Biden’s Administration to chose & undertake policy adjustments taking into account opportunities & challenges in the Horn of Africa #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
As of today #Eritrea/n Defense Forces units shall hand over all posts within the borders of #Ethiopia which were vacated by the Ethiopian Defense Forces subsequent to the savage military attacks carried out by Tigray forces onNov4,2020 #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア I
We have observed outreach moves by Aboy Sibhat or King John II expanding in all directions to spread its wings from the nucleus of his own principality around Adwa/Axum to the children of Ras’ in #Eritrea & #Ethiopia with different modalities & forms for the last 30 years
TPLF works hand-in-glove with powers, protected thru covert & overt means, to surrender sovereignty & independence of the people of #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Sudan. It receives diplomatic, financial & military prizes for services rendered.#WHO’s TEDROS NOT UNIQUE エリトリア エチオピア
1.Conflict of interests related to Aron’s Tigray origin, 2.Embedded journalism in action, & 3.Aron Maesho’s #Reuters fixation on propaganda against #Eritrea #Ethiopia since 1998 border war is too simple to understand #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC @STesfamariam エリトリア エチオピア
We remember Tigray warlords pretext used “Badme & its environs” in its1998 declaration of war to invade #Eritrea & this same “angels” pose as protectors of our Nilotic, Cushitic, Semitic & Hamitic heritages through social media spree in 2022 #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
Archdiocese of EOC Says Imposter Amnesty International Witness Not Follower of Church ena.et/en/?p=22059 via @Ethiopian News Agency #Eritrea #Ethiopia #HRC エリトリア エチオピア
#Ethiopia: UN is warning of a full-scale humanitarian crisis. As thousands of people flee into Sudan, one of the world's poorest countries, trying to escape ongoing violence in Ethiopia's #Tigray conflict. Refugees describe witnessing massacres, war crimes, and terror.
Massacre in #Ethiopia as a civil war unfolds. -Hundreds of civilians "stabbed or hacked to death in Mai-Kadra" -Region under a blackout -Arrest warrants for Debretsion and other TPLF leaders -Sudan to house refugees Report: news.yahoo.com/amnesty-says-s…
President ISAIAS explained to the media yesterday that #Eritrea thwarted >100 surface to surface missiles that targeted #Eritrea by TPLF on November 2020-underlining once again the right to self defense in international law #UNSC #EU_Commission #AU #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
The overwhelming vote for Prosperity Party of #Ethiopia shows the confidence that the population have on PM ABIY leadership & program. Peace& prosperity of #Ethiopia is a strategic objective of the bilateral with #Eritrea & regional stability #UNSC #AUC #EU エリトリア エチオピア
The overwhelming vote for Prosperity Party of #Ethiopia shows the confidence that the population have on PM ABIY leadership & program. Peace& prosperity of #Ethiopia is a strategic objective of the bilateral with #Eritrea & regional stability #UNSC #AUC #EU エリトリア エチオピア