Watch the next episode of TarkovTV LIVE on June 9 at 9:30 AM PDT/4:30PM GMT The podcast will be focused on new content and features in the next #EscapefromTarkov update Drops will be enabled on the broadcasting channel See you on twitch.tv/battlestategam…
EFTアリーナ:『エスケープ フロム タルコフ アリーナ』が正式発表&映像公開!2022秋にクローズドベータ開催予定 #EFT #EFTアリーナ #EscapefromTarkov fpsjp.net/archives/420981
Escape from Tarkov: Arena Announcement Teaser #EscapefromTarkov youtu.be/gEbJjN6rtQE
LIVE! Death in the Air! #EscapefromTarkov youtu.be/gEbJjN6rtQE
コード入力で誰でもアイテムを貰えるようです。 #Tarkov #タルコフ #EscapefromTarkov #EFT ministryoftarkovinfo.com/6136
Tomorrow, June 2, at 3AM EDT/9AM CEST we are planning to install a technical update. The installation will take approximately 2 hours, but may be extended if required. The game will not be accessible during this period #EscapefromTarkov
Tomorrow, June 2, at 3AM EDT/9AM CEST we are planning to install a technical update. The installation will take approximately 2 hours, but may be extended if required. The game will not be accessible during this period. #EscapefromTarkov
#EscapefromTarkov #EFT #タルコフ 日本語翻訳に協力してくださる方を募集しています! 公認Discordサーバーの専用フォームで受け付けています。 日本コミュニティの発展のため、ぜひ、あなたのお力をお貸しください! discord.gg/VBSDGU779f
We present the new Anti-RMT feature below: forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/165188-t… #EscapefromTarkov
Tomorrow, May 11, at 3AM EDT/9AM CEST we are planning to install a technical update. The installation will take approximately 2 hours but may be extended if required. The game will not be accessible during this period #EscapefromTarkov
EFT:『エスケープ フロム タルコフ』全エディション&公式グッズストア20%OFFの“スペシャルセール”開催(2日間限定) #EFT #EscapefromTarkov bit.ly/3vSmw49