LEGO #EscapefromTarkov Scav Bosses by u/johnsonluyen reddit.com/r/EscapefromTa…
少しでも覚えるのが楽になればと思って以前に作ったものを最新の数値で更新してみました。ざっくり状態異常と回復アイテムをまとめてます。タルコフに来たばかりのエスケーパーさん向けです。このへんを覚えて余裕が出たら公式Wikiも見てみてください😊 #EscapefromTarkov #EFT #タルコフ
On this day, the Sherpa program turns 3 years old! Sherpas are expert players who help beginners learn the basics of gameplay. Their key task is to develop the skills of novice players so they are able to survive on their own in the harsh environment of #EscapefromTarkov
Balancing changes to #EscapefromTarkov: - Increased the chance of hooded guys spawning; - Increased Reshala's spawn chance; - Increased the minimum time from the start of a raid that's required for player scavs to spawn;
At the moment players may be facing network traffic issues. This can result in difficulties with access to the game servers. We are currently working on resolving the issue and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience and understanding #EscapefromTarkov
The patch installation is complete. Please download the update via the launcher. #EscapefromTarkov
Attention! We are enabling new type of AI spawn on Shoreline location (the same algorithm as on Interchange, Customs). The amount of Scav AI encounters should be increased. Please report any bugs related. Thanks! #EscapefromTarkov
Some stats of the New Year events in #EscapefromTarkov TY everyone ❤️ More to come, long live hardcore!
タルコフのファンアートです(SCAV版) #tarkov #EscapefromTarkov