FM OSMAN of #Eritrea met #SouthSudan’s President KIRR in Juba to discuss current affairs, peace & cooperation in the Horn of Africa. Both confirmed in this meeting to work together at enhancing mutual consultations between the two countries. #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
HEAVENESE 2019 performance in Asmara brought forward old memories of Enka (Japanese melodies) pleasantly married to #Eritrea & #Ethiopia modern music by Major GHIRMAY after his service in 1951-3 Korean War エリトリア エチオピア1) youtu.be/aVwwzrUzzLE 2) youtu.be/Gr4IpdSDQ8g
The pre condition of #Eritrea‘s long history of struggle remains constant: YES to peaceful dialogue & political solutions. NO to aggression, war and diplomatic coercion which includes & does not exclude Russia Ukraine or any other member of UN #UNSC #AU #EU エチオピア エリトリア
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE BY TPLF SUROGATES SINCE 1991: relentless attempts to discredit/distort the history of our heroes/heroines who died for our freedom & dignity - still warming the hearts of #Eritrea & #Ethiopia nationals, dear family members & friends. twitter.com/AmbassadorEsti…
SUDAN PEACE DOOR President ISAIAS stated #Eritrea’s policy is always anchored on Sudanese solution to the conflict in Sudan-duly supported by #IGAD-in view of its past history & future prospectives of nation building エチオピア エリトリア #UNSC @shabait shabait.com/2023/05/01/int…
IN RETROSPECT: ON PROXY WARS WAGED IN HORN OF AFRICA?フェンケル作戦を記念して 1990 年 2 月 10 日 ワルシャワ条約軍が 3 ヶ月を想定していた電撃攻撃,包囲網, 掃討作戦からなる計画への抵抗は,144 ヶ月に延びた #Eritrea #Ethiopia #NHK リトリア エチオピア eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/20220210_…
(FYI) IN A HEROIC WAR:Feb 10,1990 Port of Massawa & Dahlak were liberated by the #Eritrea/n Peoples Liberation Army (EPLA): >10 mechanized, infantry & naval divisions >8000 surrendered (300 officers & 2 Generals),12 warships + 2MIG23 1MIG21 were annihilated エリトリア エチオピア twitter.com/asagiri2345760…
PM ABEY & Pres. ISAIAS reopened officially Teseney to/ from Gonder western trade corridor on #Eritrea & #Ethiopia tdy
WE DO REMEMBER QUEEN ELIZABETH’S VISIT TO #Eritrea IN 1965: Her Majesty was given a warm welcome by the population. Mayor Harogot bestowed her with a key to the city of Asmara.Mention of Eritrea (taboo) in a speech she made thrilled us. RIP #BBC #CNN #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
#Eritrea FM OSMAN statement in TICAD8 Ministerial Meeting 27/3/2022 エリトリア エチオピア #Ethiopia shabait.com/2022/03/27/for…
NO IF OR BUT: The destiny of our common long struggle of the people of #Eritrea & #Ethiopia is peace, stability, prosperity & cooperation not the ethnic war-lord’s hate mongering being continuously emitted from Tigray エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC twitter.com/AmbassadorEsti…
President ISAIAS on Sudan’s humanitarian situation expressed, “#Eritrea has open borders and will continue to receive, without fanfare, Eritrean and Sudanese civilians, as well as others, affected by the current conflict and share with them whatever it has.”エチオピア エリトリア twitter.com/ambassadoresti…
Asmara 26 Mar 2021 Ministry of Information issued a statement concerning the Summit held between President ISAIAS and PM ABIY outlining the common hostility, challenges & trajectory facing #Eritrea #Ethiopia in the last four months エリトリア エチオピア shabait.com/2021/03/26/pre…