AFRICA ALARM? Virus, Bacteria, Protozoa.. COVID has no flag, creed, color or nationality:“ሰራቕ ሞባእ ባዕሉ ይላፋለፍ” #Eritrea/n ancestors old saying of wisdom fits here.“Those who stole offertory confess with no ones influence but themselves”#Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
Sept 2, 2022 US State Department: “The United States is committed to the unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of #Ethiopia.” NBThe bell tolls for the end of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Tigray by TPLF warlords #Somalia #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
Who fought climate change in #Eritrea in last 30yrs? government officials, ministries, administrations, army, navy, air-force, police, municipals, researchers, CBOs farmers, herdsmen, fishermen, youth, teachers, students & are wining too エリトリア エチオピア#Ethiopia #Somalia
What we knew in past was churches conduct sacramental confession of penitents in private. But the stark difference we wittiness today is masterminds of TPLF 4 31yrs are mimicking it on recruited penitents from #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Sudan on the SM & Youtube. エリトリア エチオピア
AGGRESSION WILL NOT BE REWARDED…NO DOUBT ABOUT IT: TPLF “divine right” to wage ethnic based cross border war & declared aggression on Nov2020 ends where its nose ends & the nose of #Eritrea and #Ethiopia begin. #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC #エチオピア エリトリア
#Eritrea was made not given. エチオピア エリトリア Diplomats4Woman twitter.com/AmbassadorEsti…
Congratulations to the winners! #Eritrea’s under 20 women’s team win was 3:1 against Djibouti in the elimination match for the World Cup which was held in Addis Abeba #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC #AUC #EU #AlJazeera #AFP #Reuters #NYTimes #TheWeek #stevensucker twitter.com/PNetabay/statu…
Africa: United Against Illegal Unilateral Sanctions エリトリア エチオピア #IGAD8 #Djbouti #Eritrea #Etthiopia #Somalia #Sudan #SouthSudan #Kenya #Uganda shabait.com/2023/03/16/afr…
21 year old DOLSHI finished 16 in #Tokyo2020 10000m Women Final today. A promising athlete from #Eritrea. Wish her all the best! エリトリア エチオピア twitter.com/AmbassadorEsti…
VIVA! It is a pleasant window of history for me and the generation that sacrificed so much for freedom, equality and dignity of Africans to see #Eritrea #Ethiopia vote with the same stand on issues of geopolitics in the #UNGA リトリア エチオピア
Ghideon, this is not only beautiful but a masterpiece work of art from the heart #Eritrea. Brother, I would greatly appreciate if you can share the name and story of this great artist with the admirers of his work. ኣደ ነዚ/ነዚኣ ወሊዳ ትምከን ዘብልዩ! エリトリア エチオピア twitter.com/GhideonMusa/st…
ኩቦኒና:ኣብራሃምና:ኢብራሂምና ገረመታይ:ዛግረታይ:መንስዓታይ:ደንከላይ:እምበላይ:ዓሱስ:ብሰስ:ባቖስ:ዮምሆ:እምባደርሆ:ሺመጃና:ፉጌና:ሓሬና:ድግሳና:ዓሊተና:ባሕርናዓባይ ኣባሻውልና:: エリトリア エチオピア #Eritrea
VISIT THE ARCH-DECO CAPITAL OF AFRICA - ASMARA - Join Timket January 19 - a public holiday & festival occasion in #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #Ethiopa #UNSC #UNSG #EU #UNHRC #TICAD8 Parr 1 youtu.be/JkZwAlgm6Fw Part 2 youtu.be/UScR0HjdRGQ
MONEY DIDN’T BUY LOVE BUT WAR TO TPLF: According to MIDROC ETHIOPIA PLC Mr. JEMAL’s interview youtu.be/JVE36L1ihM0 owner & multi billionaire AL Amudi gave multi pronged support to TPLF #Ethiopa during their declared war to invade #Eritrea (1998-2000) エリトリア エチオピア
Ambassador IBRAHIM of Maldives with Deputy Ambassador AMEETH visited our Embassy this morning to discuss #Eritrea’s further support in UNHRC coming election & to bid farewell after completion of his tenure in Tokyo エリトリア エチオピア
In our farewell visit to Ambassador KAMEL of #Egypt this afternoon:we expressed our appreciation & gratitude to H.E’s contribution in Africa Japan -TICAD- collective diplomacy & exchanged mutual perspectives on regional peace & cooperation #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
6 #Eritrea/n high school student athletes: Ariam Paulos, Binyam Tesfai, Essey Zereyacob, Nazrawi Samuel, Sabah Amar, Senay Tesfaldet, escorted by #Eritrea/n National Athletics Federation SG Tadesse, arrived Oiso Town to join SEISA Sports Scholarship Program. エリトリア エチオピア
6 #Eritrea/n high school student athletes: Ariam Paulos, Binyam Tesfai, Essey Zereyacob, Nazrawi Samuel, Sabah Amar, Senay Tesfaldet, escorted by #Eritrea/n National Athletics Federation SG Tadesse, arrived Oiso Town to join SEISA Sports Scholarship Program. エリトリア エチオピア
We all wish quick recovery and well wishes to the #Eritrea/n Olympiad Amanuel Ghebreigzabhier who is being hospitalized after his unfortunate high-speed Catalunya crash エリトリア エチオピア #Ethiopia cyclingnews.com/news/ghebreigz…
Moscow May 31,2023: #Eritrea President ISAIAS and #Russia President PUTIN first summit meeting was held in Kremlin. エリトリア エチオピア #Ethiopa #Somalia #Sudan #SouthSudan #Kenya #IGAD #UNSC
1977EPLA in close coordination with AbrahamTecle of ELF carried an operation that freed all #Eritrea/n PoWs from AsmaraSembelPrison: My Hero
ኮዛ ቸንትራ “ለለ” ኮን ደቀምሓረ ? Medice, cura te ipsum “ላምኩሳ” ንደምቤና ተኹሳ መብልዕ ማልና ተተርኢሳ ንገመልና ማይጨው ቀይሕ ባሕሪ ን ታሪኽና ማዕሙቕ ዉሽጢ ምድሪ “ፈላሲ እንተፈሶ ንርእሱ ባኣሶ” ምኽሪ ኣበው’ዩ ሓሶት ዘይህስሶ Gurae 1941 #Eritrea
DO YOU REMEMBER 1941 US CODE NAMED SECRET PROJECT 19 located in Gura #Eritrea which was covering operation zones that extended as far off as Okinawa according to Mr. Meyer the former US Ambassador to Iran, Japan & Lebanon? エリトリア エチオピア#Ethiopia
June 20 is a day to rekindle our memories with great the heroes and heroines who gave their priceless life for the independence of #Eritrea. エリトリア エチオピア The struggle continues