As a result of the heroic struggle waged by the people of #Eritrea #Ethiopia & #Somalia proxy political powers in Addis were removed successfully in 1974, 1991 & 2018. A history of 3 successive failed attempts by Dr. Bereket Habtesellasie groupies to fill in the power vacuum.
The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Especially in the historical political landscape of #Eritrea #Ethiopia & #Somalia those that sticks out to destroy freedom/sovereignty & territorial integrity of their countries for external interests エリトリア エチオピア#UNSC
Nov. 23, 1974: Gen. Aman Andom, an #Ethiopia/n citizen of Eritrean origin was killed in cold blood, surrounded with tanks in his residence after refusing to change his stand for a peaceful resolution of the #Eritrea/n question #UNSC エリトリア エチオピアyoutu.be/F4bdLRBJKEw
Nov 2022 Tigray warlords unleashed military campaign against #Ethiopia & #Eritrea. There is no if & but about it. This is cagainst the sovereignty & territorial integrity of both & UN/AU charters & was definitely not for humanitarian objectives. #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
#Eritrea #Ethiiopia #SoonaliaHISTORY OF PRACE IS MADE AND SHALL NOT REVEALED BY CRITICS GROUP INSTRUMENTS OF DECEPTION & EMPLOYEES: politicians, academics, journalists, businesses & social media ownwd by Tigray warlords エチオピア エリトリア
NO IF OR BUT OR TRESPASSING! 32 yrs of subversion based on ethnicity/religion/creed by Tigray warlords ends where their nose end & where #Eritrea, ##Ethiopia, #Somalia peace, territorial integrity, sovereignty, citizenship & cooperation nose begins. #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
#Eritrea in public diplomacy & friendship events (Nov 12-13 2022) in Yokohama (SEISA Asia Africa Bridge) & Akasaka/Tokyo (Minato City Blossom Festa). Grateful to all who supported especially the students エリトリア エチオピア @hawelti
#Eritrea Japan cultural osmosis : 1859 opening of Suez Canal & Japanese construction companies HQed in Massawa #Eritrea Port, World War II warship “Eritrea” & Qobe, General Aman, Major Ghirmay music legend n Korean War, Mr. Miyazawa & SEISA AfricaAsia Bridge
#Eritrea Japan cultural osmosis : 1859 opening of Suez Canal & Japanese construction companies HQed in Massawa #Eritrea Port, World War II warship “Eritrea” & Qobe, General Aman, Major Ghirmay music legend n Korean War, Mr. Miyazawa & SEISA AfricaAsia Bridge
ቀይሲ ደላላይ ! #Eritrea independence has its deep roots in the indigenous soldiers who fought for equality against racism & fascism in World War I & Ii not in Syria/Iraq/Yemen/American University of Beirut Baathists of 60th. #Ethiopa #AfrinanUnion #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
ቀይሲ ኣን ታ ደላላይ (መንካዕ)! 1 of the greatest factor t to the success of EPLF ‘s leadership of the struggle for independence of #Eritrea: it never stretched its hands to serve DR of Yemen’s strategic interest or other internal mediators , friends like you & beyond
ቁጥሚ! Afabet #Eritrea Oct 22, 1978 the Central Committee of EPLF decided on a new strategy to face WARSAW military onslaught on its terms, priorities and local given realities. A day I saw the true face of AHMED Al KEISi - a deserter from our cause in making
END OF THREE DECADES OF GARBLING THE HISTORY OF THE HEROIC STRUGGLE OF #Eritrea & #Ethiopa : to preserve the historical, ideological, political and cultural values of “TPLF” through concerts of defamation organs #UNSC #AfricanUnion #BBC #CNN #WHO
#Eritrea #Ethiopia: The Light at the End of the Tunnel After 1998: the long odyssey for peace is not a tell tell stories of now there is a mountain and now there is no mountain nor thee is …. #UBSC #AfricanUnion エリトリア エチオピアeritreaembassy-japan.org/data/The_Light…
Peace Agreement between the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) (Statement by Foreign Minister HAYASHI Yoshimasa) mofa.go.jp/press/release/… #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalis #AfricanUnion エリトリア エチオピア
1958 MEMORIES of Addis University Campus Cafeteria Hall & TILAHUN Gizaw REKINDLED -leader who was ready to die for freedom of #Eritrea #Ethiopua publicly lighted beacon of hope & solidarity in African youth. #INSC #AfrinanUnion エリトリア エチオピアyoutu.be/DpSJ5Xmy0ZE
FINALLY END IN HORIZON NOW: Millions & millions of people of #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan have paid dear with blood, sweat & tears in the long proxy wars waged by powers to control Horn of Africa #SouthAfrica #UNSC #ISEthiopia エリトリア エチオピア #AfrinanUnion
That will be a good day when envoys of China EU Japan US Russia denounce the unilateral declaration independence & armed insurrection by Tigray warlords against sovereignty & territorial integrity of #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #USEthiopia #UNSC #SouthAfrica エリトリア エチオピア
#Eritrea didn’t in past & shall not in futur support diplomatically /militarily any force that stands against the sovereignty & territorial integrity of #Ethiopia including but not excluding TPLF #USEthiopia #UNSC #SouthAfrica #USEthiopia エリトリア エチオピア
“ኣባጉምባሕ ኣይትምሰሉ”ብስየ ተደጊማ;:19C #Ethiopia: DebreBerhan residents pleaded fot justice but when King John soldiers told him they confused people for birds, his verdict was “soldiers not to kill believing people are birds & people not to look like birds” #Eritrea
THERE IS NO NEED TO SMOKE SCREEN WAR & DARKEN PEACE IN HORN OF AFRICA WITH DAILY LIES: covert/overt, the Unilateral Declation of Independence (UDI) by Tigray warlords from #Ethiopia since1991 is the culprits goal FULL STOP! #SouthAfrica #UNSC #Eritrea #UNSG エリトリア エチオピア
The ongoing conflict in #Ethiopia Africa is not who is the devil or who is the angel. It is about who is supporting or not supporting the unilateral independence of Tigray & disintegrate #Eritrea #Somalia and why & why not, #UNSC & #AfrinanUnion エリトリア エチオピア
In 1977 EPLF Congress #Eritrea: Tsegaye Gebremedhin (EPRP) & Abay Tsehaye (TPLF) delivered solidarity msg. .1991 TPLF killed Tsegaye & other EPRP leaders-ahead of “PEACE CONFERENCE” held in Addis #Ethiopia on 1 July 1991 - EPRDF was forged & EPRP was erasedエリトリア エチオピア
RANDEVOUS with Champions of Eritrea in making. Young students on sport scholarships at SEISA High Scool Japan salute BINI Ghirmay & all sports Pride of #Eritrea እሰይ! “በርበረ ኹን” ትምኒተይ ሰሚራትለይ:: ጻዕዳ ይጽሕናካ! ዳርቨሕ! (ክንዽሽሕ) エリトリア エチオピア