Former PM of #Ethiopia blasts the hate news, being circulated about his country, through an article he wrote in the African Views “Ethiopia’s Government and the TPLF Leadership Are Not Morally Equivalent” africanviews.net/government-and… #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
MAIN FACTS ARE CLEAR & DRAMATIC:TPLF forces attacked #Ethiopia/n & #Eritrea/n military forces. Launched missiles targeting cities & capital Asmara on Nov2020. Concoctions spread all over to cover up crime against law & order are melodramatic エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC #EU #AUC
Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) Crossed Many Red Lights from 1991 to 2021: (History will remember your judgment and decision). #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Sudan #Somalia #UNSC #AU #EU エリトリア エチオピア facebook.com/23529211315218…
Who doesn’t know those living, dead, know & unknown multitudes of soldiers who stood up for humanity, freedom & dignity despite all odds in different epochs of our history #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia must breathe deep & inhale the truth? GUAL YEMANE’s book エリトリア エチオピア
In remembrance of Comrade Fana and through her the unknown soldiers who put in action our ancestors’ values once again during the armed struggle for the independence of #Eritrea of 30 years:“women fight for their fatherland’s heritage”エリトリア エチオピア eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/COMRADE_F…
In the remarks I made at Tokyo Metropolitan Peace Day Memorial on 10 March 2021: I highlighted Japan’s lesson and contribution to the 2018 #Eritrea #Ethiopia Peace Treaty as being valuable indeed #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/20210310_…
Tigray group (TPLF) crossed many “Red Lights” from 1991-2021:Principally, it mounted ethnic, religious, clan tensions which increased economic inequalities, marginalization of the majority in #Ethiopia affecting #Eritrea,#Somalia regional peace & stability. エリトリア エチオピア
This locally handmade improvised charcoal filters masks set up against chemical weapons occurred in 1980’s history of the #Eritrea/n People’s Liberation Army - when the whole world & neighbors turned their faces away from the truth #HRC #UNSC #AU #EU #G7 #エチオピア エリトリア
Acknowledging post 2nd World War proxy role of the super powers in war and peace of #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia is primary and constructive indeed not make believe stories to support the unfortunate Tigray UDI on Nov 4, 2020 at #UNSC #AU #EU #UNHRC #UNSG エリトリア エチオピア
After completion of master's degree and internship program of African Business Education Initiative for Youth (ABE Initiative) Mr. GHIRMY Iyassu from the Ministry of Energy & Mines of #Eritrea made an important presentation #JOGMEC #JSA #JICA #JBIC #JETRO エリトリア エチオピア
TEARS!Where was #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC when in 1975, following the fate of thousands of their compatriots, the villagers of Weki in #Eritrea were torched & burnt down by a marauding formation of a savage #Ethiopia/n army? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_m… エリトリア エチオピア
No #Eritrea/n or #Ethiopia/n or foreigner is allowed to garble the freedom, sovereignty & territorial integrity of our two sisterly nations with/without TPLF but everyone of us is allowed to work for the integration of a competitive HoA by trade & investment to the world economy twitter.com/AmbassadorEsti…
TPLF’s spokesperson Getachew besides making hate spinning interview tdy came out openly to call for help from local and international community to the illegitimate Unilateral Declaration of Independence from #Ethiopia of ethnic Tigray #HRC47 #UNSC #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
Federazione Fascista Dell #Eritrea did not allow locals in cycling sports.1939 historic 1st win by Gebremariam Gebre aka BERBERE opened a pandora box of defiance vivid until tdy. It was then that fascists accused, as a culprit to the win, our food “BERBERE” エリトリア エチオピア
Today we exchanged ideas and opinions for creating project/s cooperation tie-ups with JASA and SRS of Japan on development programs of #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
It is a profound sorrow and grief to hear the passing of a comrade in arms and Secretary General of Eritrean Peoples Front for Democracy and Justice Mr. ALAMIN Hamed Said on November 14, 2021. May he leave behind to his beloved family & #Eritrea peace & prosperity ጠሊ ይግደፍ
THE GENIE IS OUT OF THE BOTTLE AND YOU HAVE NO MEANS TO PUT IT BACK: Salute #Ethiopia/ns and #Eritrea/ns because we are 1 People & 1 Destiny #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア hade hizbee hade libi(ERITREA) youtu.be/iCT_kUbMWtM via @YouTube
POINT OF ORDER! Ethiopian crisis no matter how it is translated into US English is not Yemen crisis or Afghanistan crisis. Tigray People’s Liberation Front launched missiles & opened war against #Eritrea & #Ethiopia early Nov 2020 #UNGA #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC #エチオピア エリトリア
#Eritrea Commissioner for Sports and Culture Ambassador ZEMEDE Tecle met with CEO & Founder of SEISA Group Mr Yasuo MIYZAWA today. They exchanged ideas and opinions of improvement and continuing the cooperation tie-ups on education, sports and culture beyond #Tokyo2020 エリトリア
2002 #Eritrea #Ethiopia Peace Agreement was not signed by guess or by rule of thumb but by international rule of law that included and not excluded OAU #UN #US #EU_Commission & The Hague Court. Supporting Tigray front aggression for last 20 years is illegal エリトリア エチオピア
Ms. RANDRIANJAFY Tsilavo Maherizo, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the Republic of #Madagascar paid a curtesy to our Embassy to exchange ideas and opinions on strengthening and deepening Africa Japan relations and collective diplomacy #Eritrea
ሂወት ዓወት ይብልዋ ዘክርዋ ጊንዳዕ ተኾንዳዕ ገረሚ እምበረሚ ክናናን ምናናን ከላ ኩላ ንሺሂድ ኪትምዕድ ዘይትርዕድ ተኽብሮ ትመኽሮ ይታዓብር ዘኽብር ሃገር ዘይሕስር ባህጉ ሓድጉ ኪገድፈላ ዓብደላ #Eritrea ተበገስ ኣድሚጻ ጎልጎል ኣጻምእ መሪጻ
Give an inch to allow building a nation state by TIGRAY on the basis of language/ethnicity/nepotism/religion against the territorial integrity & sovereignty of #Ethiopia or #Eritrea, be rest assured this warmongers will take a mile to destroy Africa エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC
SINCE 1991 Tigray warlords used #Ethiopia as their xash cow under the pretext of a federal entities-managed by the late sugar merchant Abay Tsehaye~for 30yrs. The instrument typically used were ethnic rivalry & corruption in #Horn of #Africa エリトリア エチオピア #Eritrea #UNGA
Far from narrow infantile politics, relationships of the Nile Basin, Horn of Africa, Middle Eastern countries, especially #Eritrea, #Ethiopia, #Somalia & #Sudan are strategically relevant to regional peace, stability, prosperity & never tactical moves at all エリトリア エチオピア