An in-depth interview on the strategic importance of Africa, TICAD process, FOCAC with DOI Kenichi Senior Researcher and Advisor Development Innovation #JICA #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
1991 when Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) controlled #Ethiopia & National Islamic Front (NIF) controlled #Sudan who didn’t for see terrorism spreading all over the Horn of Afrika & beyond @DrTedros #WHO #COVID19 #UNSC #UNGA リトリア エチオピア #Eritrea learned history
HEAVENESE 2019 performance in Asmara brought forward old memories of Enka (Japanese melodies) pleasantly married to #Eritrea & #Ethiopia modern music by Major GHIRMAY after his service in 1951-3 Korean War エリトリア エチオピア1) youtu.be/aVwwzrUzzLE 2) youtu.be/Gr4IpdSDQ8g
Africa: United Against Illegal Unilateral Sanctions エリトリア エチオピア #IGAD8 #Djbouti #Eritrea #Etthiopia #Somalia #Sudan #SouthSudan #Kenya #Uganda shabait.com/2023/03/16/afr…
President ISAIAS outlined in an interview with ERITv tdy importance of harmonizing resources policies for security, peace and prosperity of the Nile Basin, Horn of Africa & Red Sea countries to create people centered economic growth in the region & #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
A simple student who scratched the records of the Horn of Africa (#Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan) will be bewildered by direct/proxy unjustified interferences of the oil sisters/brothers during and after the Cold War and colonial period #UNSC #AUC #EU エリトリア エチオピア
DO YOU REMEMBER 1941 US CODE NAMED SECRET PROJECT 19 located in Gura #Eritrea which was covering operation zones that extended as far off as Okinawa according to Mr. Meyer the former US Ambassador to Iran, Japan & Lebanon? エリトリア エチオピア#Ethiopia
RPTD PLEASE BE AWARE #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #WHO
#AlJazeera IS THIS THE TUNING FORK OF DIPLOMACY? Sept 2 the US State Department states “US is committed to the unity, sovereignty & territorial integrity of #Ethiopia.” Sept 11 Tigray warlords announce “readiness for peace talks.” #UNSC #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
SINCE1991Tigray People’s Liberation Front pursuant to its allies historical directives used directly/indirectly-proxy diplomacy-media leverage-political power-influence & army to land-lock #Eritrea from hinterlands of #Ethiopia #Sudan #SouthSudan & overseas エチオピア エリトリア
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE BY TPLF SUROGATES SINCE 1991: relentless attempts to discredit/distort the history of our heroes/heroines who died for our freedom & dignity - still warming the hearts of #Eritrea & #Ethiopia nationals, dear family members & friends. twitter.com/AmbassadorEsti…
The pre condition of #Eritrea‘s long history of struggle remains constant: YES to peaceful dialogue & political solutions. NO to aggression, war and diplomatic coercion which includes & does not exclude Russia Ukraine or any other member of UN #UNSC #AU #EU エチオピア エリトリア
The influence of geo-politics in nomenclature of #Eritrea #Ethiopia: Do you remember Colonel Mengistu of Ethiopia….getting military aid from Israel in 1990 & PM Meles ….getting military aid from Ukraine & North Korea in 1997 - 2015? エリトリア エチオピア eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/Mengistu_…
#Eritrea ሎሚ’ውን ከም ትማሊ:ብዊሽጥን ደገን ዚተወደቡ: ዚምወሉ: ባእታታትን ሓይልታትን ንመንነት: ፍናን:ሞራል:ባህሊ:ቃልሲ ኤርትራ ንምብርዓን ንምብርካኽን ዝፍትንዎ መሳርያ:ስሚ:ብረት:ኘሮፓጋንዳ:ዉዲት: ሕሶት:ስለያ:: ኣንፈታን ዕርበታን ወያነዉን’ዩ
Teaching colonial history of Horn of Africa, Nile Basin & Middle East countries by disassociating it from Gen. Gordon’s (water), Gen. Napier’s(water) & Gen. Platt’s oil) security strategies is a deliberate distortion or ignorance of true African history. #Eritrea #Somalia #Sudan
BE AWARE OF THE DEVILS WORKSHOP CALLED TPLF!Listen carefully to this conversation of how they intimidate UN staff in their assignments/missions related to the crisis in administration zone of #Ethiopia Tigray #UNSC #AU #Eritrea #UNSG エリトリア エチオピア youtu.be/PR69xdCywF4
My Webinar lecture in Tokyo University today encompassed wide range of issues related to Africa Japan growing relations and expected future trajectories #TICAD8 #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Djibouti #SouthSudan #Sudan #AUC #JICA #JIADA #JBIC #JETRO @MoFaJp_en tufs.ac.jp/asc/english/ev… twitter.com/EritreaEmbJP/s…
Congratulations to Ghebremicael Estifanos (Jimmy) - a local staff of #JICA in Asmara since 1993 - for receiving The Order of the Sun, Gold and Silver Rays for his contribution in the promotion of Japan’s economic cooperation in #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
VISIT THE ARCH-DECO CAPITAL OF AFRICA - ASMARA - Join Timket January 19 - a public holiday & festival occasion in #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #Ethiopa #UNSC #UNSG #EU #UNHRC #TICAD8 Parr 1 youtu.be/JkZwAlgm6Fw Part 2 youtu.be/UScR0HjdRGQ
OGBE who shifted his gears from cycling road race to marathon is in #Tokyo2020 Games Olympiad XXXII Sapporo Japan SUN, AUG 8 - 07:00 (Tokyo Time) & 01:00 (Asmara Time). Let us wish him good luck and success in his personal chosen field of sport #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア twitter.com/Eri_Cycling_fa…
1958 MEMORIES of Addis University Campus Cafeteria Hall & TILAHUN Gizaw REKINDLED -leader who was ready to die for freedom of #Eritrea #Ethiopua publicly lighted beacon of hope & solidarity in African youth. #INSC #AfrinanUnion エリトリア エチオピアyoutu.be/DpSJ5Xmy0ZE
#Eritrea cycling stars continue to shine in 5th Stage of Tropicale Amisa Bongo 2023エリトリア エチオピア
VIVA Eritrea! BINI stands 1st in Volta a la Comunitat Valenciana 2023 እሰይ! “በርበረ ኹን” ትምኒተይ ሰሚራትለይ:: ጻዕዳ ይጽሕናካ! ዳርቨሕ! (ክንዽሽሕ) エチオピア エリト #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia
Nov. 23, 1974: Gen. Aman Andom, an #Ethiopia/n citizen of Eritrean origin was killed in cold blood, surrounded with tanks in his residence after refusing to change his stand for a peaceful resolution of the #Eritrea/n question #UNSC エリトリア エチオピアyoutu.be/F4bdLRBJKEw