It was a long busy day today,but let me take this opportunity to wish my senior comrade and friend,Dr. Kiiza Besigye a very happy 63rd birthday. You inspired many of us to fight against injustice and on your birthday,we were doing exactly that. Many happy returns. #EnoughIsEnough
#Nigeria: Anti-police brutality and impunity protests continue nationwide. Protestors demand police reform and justice for the victims of police brutality. (📹@EiENigeria) #SARSMustEnd #EndSARS #EndPoliceBrutality #EnoughIsEnough
They have been trying to break into our car. Now they are clamping it to drag us away. Stand firm. We shall overcome. #EnoughIsEnough
Police and the military blocked us from reaching Busabala for our press conference about police brutality, injustice and abuse of authority. A citizen cannot be allowed to access his private property.People teargassed, beaten, Many arrested. We shall overcome. #EnoughIsEnough
Since they have refused to receive our notification as commanded by the law, WE SHALL GO AHEAD AND DEMONSTRATE PEACEFULLY AS GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION. This is our country! #EnoughIsEnough #DownWithImpunity #Twebelelemu #PeoplePower_OurPower