He challenged us to work harder and faster on the cause, otherwise by the time we get into government, there will be no more iron sheets. Very importantly, he called on the academia not to remain comfortable while our country sinks. Thank you so much Spire. Pure #Edutainment!
Watch as we use music to send the message and further raise awareness on the Corona Virus pandemic. We hope you enjoy the music, pick the message, share widely & spread the word. In solidarity, we shall beat the virus. #Edutainment #UnitedAgainstCOVID19 youtu.be/PUHrck2g7Ic
This is how we were recieved in #FortPortal. Abaana ba Tooro nywena mwebare kutugonza n’okutusagika, nanye nimbagonza muno, omutima ogumuteihaho. Let’s keep the hope alive because together we can accomplish so much for Uganda #PeoplePower #SongsOfFreedom #Edutainment