派遣海賊対処行動水上部隊(DSPE)指揮官(「はるさめ」艦長 大島2佐)が、ジブチ海軍司令官を表敬し意見交換を行いました。ジブチとの信頼関係は我々の任務の基盤です。#海賊対処 #Djibouti
Le 10 mai JS #SETOGIRI a conduit l’exercice conjoint anti-piraterie avec l’#UE et pour la 1ère fois avec le #Djibouti! Annonce conjointe qu’ils continueront à s’engager au maintien de l’#OrdreInternational fondé sur des règles. Voici la vidéo sur cette collaboration renforcée.
Amb. ADECHOUBOU of #Benin and myself paid a curtesy visit to Embassy of #Djibouti to bid farewell to Amb. ARAITA: Need for peace & regional cooperation were highlighted & thanked H.E. for his contribution to Africa’s collective diplomacy in Tokyo #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
WHAT A LIE! Ethiopia & #Djibouti signed a deal to build gas pipeline in 2019. But Andebrahan Weldgioris aka “Andropov” is currently spinning cheap fake news: #UAE & #Ethiopia made another Agreement to use Port of Assab excluding #Eritrea エチオピア #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC エリトリア
Asm Nov25, 2021: People’s Republic of #China & State of #Eritrea signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the One Belt One Road (ONOR). More than 140 countries have already signed to join the initiative #Ethiopia #Sudan #Djibouti #SaudiArabia #Yemen エリトリア エチオピア 
NO TO THE ILLEGITIMATE STAND OF TPLF ON TIGRAY UNILATERAL DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE & NOV 3, 2020 DECLARED WAR: Harmony & Rule of Law Essential for Sustaining Regional Peace エリトリア エチオピア #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Djibouti #SouthSudan #Sudan #AU #UNSC fec-ais.com/en/events/?p=2…
My Webinar lecture in Tokyo University today encompassed wide range of issues related to Africa Japan growing relations and expected future trajectories #TICAD8 #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Djibouti #SouthSudan #Sudan #AUC #JICA #JIADA #JBIC #JETRO @MoFaJp_en tufs.ac.jp/asc/english/ev… twitter.com/EritreaEmbJP/s…
Destiny of the people and nationals in #Djibouti #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Sudan #SouthSudan is one & the same: as in past it is their duty & obligation to work hand-in-hand for peace, stability, cooperation & economic integration now #UNSC #AU #EU ዝባን ሕጊ ! エリトリア エチオピア