🥷Sparkling eyes, bunny ears, and a nicely folded scroll. From the looks of it, OTO is pretty harmless. 🐰But her fluffle of ravaging rabbits isn’t – especially in an unescapable #NFTDuel arena. 👉Care to watch the hare stampede on May 12? #CryptoNinja #NFTs #Metaverse #CNP
🎃Halloween Ninja Girls 🎃 1名様にGiveawayします🎁 ✔︎フォロー: @iam_uta7_ ✔︎RT&いいね ✔︎締切: 11月1日23:59分 たくさんのご応募お待ちしております🙆‍♂️ #CryptoNinja #NFTハロウィン祭り #NFTgiveaway
⚡️Lightning strikes from above, and the opponent is out – exclaims the narrator. 👉Whose lightning was that? – audience enquires. 🥷It was KARURA flying high above the #NFTDuel battlefield. 👀Will we see this pan out in May? #CryptoNinja #CNP #Metaverse
👉Those claws aren't for decoration. 🥷SHION uses them seldom but with conviction. 👉This May, look out for her sharp attacks in the #NFTDuel arena. #CryptoNinja #CNP #Metaverse
『CRYPTONINJA 咲耶』動画公開記念📺 #ニジソー #CryptoNinja 🔥1ETH山分けCP開催🔥 〆11月30日 応募条件 ☑#ニジソー1ETH山分けCP をつけ作品と一緒に引用RT ☑咲耶/ネム/シャオランの二次創作作品をniji.soに申請し公式公認される ☑forms.gle/gBh8XsGsx6HhbF…も記入 詳細は👇
Ninja Anniversary Girls の #Giveaway やっちゃいます❣️   改めて #CryptoNinja 1周年おめでとうございます🎊 ワクワクドキドキ💓をありがとうございました❣️ Mint出来なかったよーって方へ❣️ ✅💖&RT ✅follow @comes_k_NFT @kei31 @EYE_Z079 9/24 20時〆切 #NFT #NFTGiveaway
🎊#CryptoNinja 1周年記念🎊 (&私の初giveaway企画🎁) 1周年を記念し製作されたジェネラティブNFTを1名様にプレゼント♬ 参加条件 ✅ ❤️&RT ✅ Follow @CryptoNinja_NFT @comes_k_NFT @kei31 @huyuhuyu_222 ✅期限 9/23 18:00 結果はツイートいたします✌︎('ω'✌︎ ) #NFTGiveaway
📣#XANA Builder Ver 23.02.23 is Now Live ! For #CryptoNinja Collaboration, we have added a massive amount of traditional Japanese theme assets🔥 #XANABuilder allows everyone to create their robust metaverse with the simplest drag and drop.#XETATA 1/2
A menacing warlord🐧penguin with a soft backdrop. The contrast is what sells this art. And is that Excalibur in the rock🤘? 🙏This submission is definitely worth exploring. Thanks, @masukei444. #Metaverse #CNP #NinjaDAO #CryptoNinja twitter.com/masukei444/sta…
🥷Here comes LUNA. 👉The unsuspecting victim sees LUNA hopping toward them. They don't pay any attention. And thwack – a cleaver right between their temples. 👀Will we see a different approach in #NFTDuel? 👉#CryptoNinja #NFTs drop on May 12. #CNP #Metaverse
Embrace modernity with MAGOICHI🥷. He's taking ninjutsu to the next level, guns🔫 blazing. #NFTDuel is ready for him. 👉#CryptoNinja #NFTs dropping next month #CNP #NinjaDAO #Metaverse
🎁 2回目 CNP Giveaway 🎁 本家CryptoNinja #24 ホルダーの私ですが、 #CNP 完売を祝して、クイックにどれかを1名にGiveawayします!! 1⃣Follow @road_ninjart @IHayato @CN_Animation 2⃣Like & RT 【17:20まで(あと30分)】 何回かやります! #NFT #NFTs #Giveaway #CryptoNinja
CryptoNinja1周年記念フリーミント企画でいただいた、 Ninja Anniversary Girlsを1体 #Giveaway します! 5000体ずつで2回mintあったんだけど どちらも1分ぐらいで売り切れたやつです。。。 ✅Follow @yhei_hei @verylongcnp ✅💖&RT ✅48h #CryptoNinja #NAG ※参照画像: @kei31
🐧#XANA : #PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja ✅Your most adorable #metaverse #AI pet ✅The dream collaboration of Japans’ 2 top #web3 project. ✅#AI Art competition is going on, check hashtag #PENPENZコンテスト to join 👍🏻 Launching next month !!
#CNP 完売記念第二弾 私が頑張って作った額あてのキャラ中心でチョイス! 1️⃣ Follow @tokyo_a_girls @77takuNft 2️⃣ RT+♥️ 3⃣ 加入する ☛ discord.gg/t-a-girls 4⃣Discord の🎁Giveawayチャンネルから応募🎉 ⏰5/22 22:00 Discord 内部で当選発表 #NFTGiveaway #NFT #CryptoNinja
🎁 4回目 CNP Giveaway 🎁 本家CryptoNinja #24 ホルダーの私ですが、 #CNP 完売を祝して、クイックにどれかを1名にGiveawayします!! 1⃣Follow @road_ninjart @IHayato @CN_Animation 2⃣Like & RT 【19:00まで(あと30分)】 #NFT #NFTs #Giveaway #CryptoNinja
🎉✨🎊✨🎉✨🎊✨🎉✨🎊  ㊗️Crypto Ninja一周年㊗️ 🎊✨🎉✨🎊✨🎉✨🎊✨🎉 わずか3分で10,000体完売‼️ 『#NinjaAnniversaryGirls 』を 1名様にプレゼントします🎁 ✅フォロー @CryptoNinja_NFT @kei31 @itoken_papa ✅♥️& RT 〆9/24(土) 〜21:00 #NAG #CNP #CryptoNinja
\ニンジャ寺子屋支援NFT / CNC(CryptoNinja Children)をGiveaway🎉 ✅1名 ✅RT+❤️ ✅フォロー @yomikakisan @sachikonobanana ✅12/27 21時まで メタバーススクールの可能性を信じ、CNCと寺子屋を長く応援して下さる方に贈ります😊 #CNC #CryptoNinja   #ニンジャ寺子屋 👇動画もみてね
#CryptoNinja P2Eブロックチェーンゲーム🎮 「CryptoNinja Party! 」#NFTGiveaway 🎁 WLではなくNFT(Rare)を1名様にプレゼント激アツ🚀✨ ✅Follow @c_ninja_party @hashpalette @awoahiru ✅ RT+❤ 今から24h💨 ※引用RTで熱い想いを伝えると当選率UP⤴️ #CNPT #PLT #Giveaway
DAN didn't inherit the laser sword⚔️. He worked hard in the field and the lab. 🥷He honed his Ninja skills and developed this awesome weapon. But there's more to this mystery #CryptoNinja than meets the eye👀. 👉Wait till May. Maybe we'll have more clues by then #CNP #NFTDuel
One who possesses the Muramasa sword⚔️doesn't fear anything. 👉They've undergone such intense training & endured so many losses that nothing can waiver their determination. 🥷NEKOMATA is the One, and he'll show the true power of Muramasa in April. #CryptoNinja #NFTDuel #NFTs
📺XANA News: Free Mint NFT 👉#XANA #Metaverse founder @rio_noborderz announces Japan's largest free-mint NFT. XANA: #PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja is set to debut on February 25th. Brace yourselves for the most exciting #NFT launch of the year! #NinjaDAO #Web3
👉Sometimes, it's simplicity that does the trick. 🥷Take TORIKA's poison shuriken. There's no complex, magical power involved. 👉And yet, it has helped TORIKA avoid certain doom in so many situations. 👉In May, we'll see its marvel in #NFTDuel. #CryptoNinja #Metaverse #CNP
🎁 Pixel Crypto Ninja Heroes #NFTGiveaway 🎁 本日リリースの #ピク忍 を1名様にプレゼントします🎉 ご参加お待ちしています✨ ※お送りするものはランダムです! ✅ Follow @pixelheroes_nft @CryptoNinja_NFT @mokayamo ✅ Like ❤ + RT 〆5/23(月)22:00 #PixelHeroesX #CryptoNinja #NFT
A wooden mallet to the head, and we'll see ghosts👻too. 🥷But in SEORI's case, opponents actually see a ghost, namely MITAMA. Each opponent has a different reaction. And we love each one! 👉You'll see those reactions this May in #NFTDuel. #CryptoNinja #Metaverse #CNP