🐧The largest free mint ever from Japan! Your adorable #metaverse pet XANA:#PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja will launch on 25th Feb! Don't miss to get #AL! ✅Follow @rio_noborderz ✅Join discord.gg/xana ✅Like & RT 👉🏻Apply here! premint.xyz/xana-penpenz/
🐧日本最大のフリーミントNFT #XANA: #PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja 2月25日ローンチ!追加で1000AL枠を用意! いますぐ参加しよう! ✅ @rio_noborderz をフォロー ✅ discord.gg/xana に参加 ✅ いいね&リツイート 👉🏻申し込みはこちら premint.xyz/xana-penpenz/ https://t.co/CgdHybJ7Qh
3 キャンペーン
#Bitget x #XANA AMA開催🚀 ⏰ 2/17(金) 20時~ 📍bit.ly/3YyzKPh ゲスト:@rio_noborderz @bitmanTV @kasou2ka2021 / ✨記念キャンペーン開催✨ #PENPENZ #NFT のAL 9⃣個と 3⃣0⃣0⃣ #USDT#Giveaway \ ①フォロー @BitgetJP +RT ②タスク完了:bit.ly/3jU6R0P #Crypto
To expand #XANA to the broader global market, we collaborate with the #CryptoNinja Family and its founder @IHayato (A marker of the most extensive Japanese NFT collection #CNP, #LLAC etc) to launch XANA's iconic character of Penguin "#PENPENZ" Limited Ninja edition. 3/4
🎉#XANA: #PENPENZ Allowlist winners announcement is finally here! Connect your wallet and check if you are winning one. 🥚Minting: 25th at 8:00 UTC - ⏰Time limit: 24h 🐧Reveal: 28th at 10:00 UTC 👇🏻URL launchpad.xana.net/penpenz/mintin… 👇🏻Manual xana.net/xanapenpenz-x-… Happy minting!
#XANA:#PENPENZ #NFTDuel game card #AI art challenge! 1️⃣RT this 2️⃣Create Penpenz AI art 3️⃣Get reward ⏰Until 9th March 👇🏻Here is the full article! xana.net/xana-penpenz-n…#XETATA #CryptoNinja #NinjaDAO
This #PENPENZ is also a wandering artist. Secret Ninjutsu that breathes life into what he paints with his brush.... is what he dreams of achieving someday. #XANA:Penpenz x #CryptoNinja #NFTs Launching next month ‼️ #XETA #Metaverse #NinjaDAO
🐧#XANA: #PENPENZ launch time is getting closer! You will get the egg to hatch in 20 hours! 🥚Minting: 25th at 8:00 UTC - ⏰Time limit: 24h 🐧Reveal: 28th at 10:00 UTC 👇🏻URL launchpad.xana.net/penpenz/mintin… 👇🏻Manual xana.net/xanapenpenz-x-… Happy minting!
🐧This turquoise blue #PENPENZ is the fiercest of the seas to lead the underwater battle. You should take him when fishing in the #Metaverse, though he eats all the fish himself🐟 #XANA:Penpenz x #CryptoNinja #NFTs Launching next month ‼#XETATA #Metaverse #NinjaDAO
There are over 100k+ massive submissions in total. We have 4 more days to close the form and are announcing all the winners from every campaign on the 24th at AMA with @IHayato 🔥 Let's make this largest🐧free mint explode together👍🏻 #XANAhref="/hashtag/XETA/retweet/1">#XETAXETA #PENPENZ twitter.com/XANAMetaverse/…
#XANA:#PENPENZ #NFTDuel ゲームカード #AI アートチャレンジ! 1️⃣これをリツイート 2️⃣Penpenz AIアートを制作 3️⃣豪華賞品をゲット ⏰3月9日締切 👇🏻募集要項詳細はこちら xana.net/ja/xana-penpen…#XETATA #CryptoNinja #NinjaDAO
🐧#XANA #PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja の日本語AMAを @IHayato さんと共同開催します! メタバースで会える初の3Dビジュアル化のお披露目も同時開催✨ みんなでペンギンを世界的IPへと育てていきましょう。
Giving away valuable products is a first-time challenge for us. Freemint gives me fresh inspiration for what NFT is for the project. 価値のあるものを創りそれを無料で何千もの人に届ける。そこにどんな意味が生まれるのか? #XANA : #PENPENZ は社会実験です。 voicy.jp/channel/2968/4…
Here is 360 view of 3D #XANA:#PENPENZ 🐧 The minting starts tomorrow at 8:00 AM UTC (5:00 PM JST) and continues for 24h! #XETAA #Metaverse #AI #NFT
🎉#XANA:#PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja revealed; 0ETH to 1.4ETH! Thanks to #XANALIAN, @IHayato and #ICL, Ninja DAO, partner exchanges, and all of you showing unbelievable diamond hands! (0.2% listing rate!) 1/3
🐧#XANA: #PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja has been traded for 0.200 WETH. 👉This #AI penguin is extremely friendly as long as you don't touch its kasa. ➡️Body: Deep Red ➡️Weapon: Warrior Naginata ➡️Hat: Thin Kasa ➡️Eyes: Brown opensea.io/assets/ethereu…
🐧At last the #PENPENZ are ready to hatch!! Four thousand people have been waiting for this moment!  REVEAL will begin tomorrow at 10am UST. Are you ready to cherish them? #XANA#XETAA #CryptoNinja #AI #Metaverse
😍Are You Ready❓ 👉#XANA and #CryptoNinja are collaborating for #PENPENZ NFTs. 👉Collect Your Own #NFTs 👉Releasing on 21st of January, 2023 #NFTCommunity #Metaverse
#XANA : #PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja ✅Your most adorable #metaverse #AI pet ✅The dream collaboration of Japans 2 top #web3 project. ✅#AI Art competition is going on, check #PENPENZコンテスト Launching next month !!
From the fierce Fuma clan, this🐧penguin will unleash a barrage of attacks on opposing clans. Who dare come in his way❓ You created an admirable ninja🥷, @4py3tt. #PENPENZ #NFTs will feature equally admirable ninja penguins. 👉Dropping in February. #CNP #NinjaDAO #Metaverse twitter.com/4py3tt/status/…
🐧#XANA : #PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja ✅Your most adorable #metaverse #AI pet ✅The dream collaboration of Japans’ 2 top #web3 project. ✅#AI Art competition is going on, check hashtag #PENPENZコンテスト to join 👍🏻 Launching next month !!
📺XANA News: Free Mint NFT 👉#XANA #Metaverse founder @rio_noborderz announces Japan's largest free-mint NFT. XANA: #PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja is set to debut on February 25th. Brace yourselves for the most exciting #NFT launch of the year! #NinjaDAO #Web3
#XANA : #PENPENZ x #CryptoNinja🐧 Join the #AI art competition to earn #NFTDuel x CryptoNinja #NFTs. Check hashtag #PENPENZコンテスト for amazing pieces of work from DAO creators💡
If Kratos turned into a vengeful🐧penguin, this is what he would look like. 🙏Maybe the armor would've been slightly different. Still, great submission @4py3tt. #Metaverse #PENPENZ #NFTs #XANA twitter.com/4py3tt/status/…
#XANAGenesis shows a solid pullback even after the #NFT Marketplace war🔥 Up 30%+ today only, and just 20%+ away from ATH. We are just at the beginning of the #AI x #metaverse revolution. #PENPENZ is incoming on this weekend too🐧 #XANAa href="/hashtag/XETA/retweet/1">#XETATA