#russia continues reprisals with #CrimeanTatars. Marlen Mustafaiev, activist, father of 2,member of NGO"Crimea Solidarity" was sentenced today to 17 years for his pro🇺🇦position.We call on our partners to condemn this"verdict"&⬆️sanctions on #russia. Otherwise🇷🇺will not stop
🇷🇺committed genocides against #CrimeanTatars, and changed the ethnic composition of Crimea. How ethical is it to treat the land and people as a trophy? Such an attitude tries to legalize terror and crimes against humanity. 2/2
.@ZelenskyyUa: #russia uses criminal #mobilization to eliminate representatives of indigenous peoples in temporarily occupied territories. In #Crimea 🇷🇺occupiers issued most of mobilization letters precisely to #CrimeanTatars ➡️ yet another element of russia’s genocidal policy
Strongly condemn shameful "sentence" on trumped-up charges by 🇷🇺occupiers of 1st deputy chairman of Mejlis of #CrimeanTatar people Nariman Dzhelyal & the brothers Aziz&Asan Akhtemov. 🇺🇦 will spare no effort to free all #CrimeanTatars held hostage by the criminal Putin regime 1/2
Met with the leader of the #CrimeanTatars Mustafa Abdulcemil Kırımoğlu & First Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine @EmineDzheppar. We will continue to support the territorial integrity of #Ukraine & the rights of Crimean Tatars. 🇹🇷🇺🇦
#Russian occupational authorities continue pressure and persecution of #CrimeanTatars as they oppose occupation and support territorial integrity of #Ukraine. #Russia must cease repressions against Crimean Tatar people and release all political prisoners 2/2
Today on Int'l Day of World's Indigenous Peoples we renew our commitment to the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples&return of #Crimea where #CrimeanTatars face #Russia's persecution&pressure as they don't accept occupation&support territorial integrity of #Ukraine 1/2