【不用烤】 Maria:空捏捏~空捏捏~ 咪:空捏捏~空捏捏~ 我真的要被可愛死... #MystaClips #Clippetts
🦁:Don't worry Ike, we'll go to Bone Daddies 🖋️:I'd love that. ⛅️:W-what? 🦁:It's a ramen place 🐧:Why is it called Bone Daddies if it's ramen? Who are the daddies? ❤️‍🩹:The servers? 🎭:I hope so. #LucaLive #SliceofIke #PetraOnAir #PenCast #Clippetts #KnoxClips #ShuClip #Ovideos
Schedule for the week~ (17-23APRIL) Babu babu babu babu 🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖 General: #MariaMarionette Live: #MariOnAir Art: #MariArt NSFW: #MariLewd Assets: #MariAssets Memes: #Memettes Thumbnails: #Thumbnettes Clips: #Clippetts
トイレ3時間のくだり面白かったしENとかJPとか関係なくみんないい感じにわちゃわちゃしてて楽しかったです☺️ #弦抜き #ShuClip #Clippetts #チグサリウム #ちょこっとひまちゃん
Schedule for the week~ (06-12th FEB) A musical week coming up 🥳 General: #MariaMarionette Live: #MariOnAir Art: #MariArt NSFW: #MariLewd Assets: #MariAssets Memes: #Memettes Thumbnails: #Thumbnettes Clips: #Clippetts
🛸: Me & Aster are gonna french kiss ❤️‍🩹: 🤯 🤘: Aster's gonna kiss someone who eats toenails 💫: I mean, I'm into- ❤️‍🩹: 🤯 🤘: WOAH we're unpacking a lot 💫: I didn't finish my sentence, I'M SEISO 💅: SEISO MY ASS #Clippetts #MariOnAir #AsterArcadia #RenZotto #Kyonair #ScarleLive
🌤>❤️‍🩹>🐧>👟>🦁 The bonk domino... you guys are adorable🥹 #PenCast #Clippetts #Petraonair #Shuclip #lucalive
🐰I win ですわ〜!!! 🎧ああああああああ Mariaちゃんつよつよだった🥺 わからせられるYugo最高でした😂 ⚠️意訳 #Yuclip #YugoONAIR #YugoAsuma #Clippetts #MariOnAir #MariaMarionette 🎥【youtu.be/AAAO-wsJ0pY
Schedule for the week~ (24-30APR) Lots of collabs this week :D General: #MariaMarionette Live: #MariOnAir Art: #MariArt NSFW: #MariLewd Assets: #MariAssets Memes: #Memettes Thumbnails: #Thumbnettes Clips: #Clippetts
Headpats from Luca senpai let's goooooo! クリアするとルカお兄ちゃんからなでなでしてもらえるマリアちゃん❤️‍🩹 #Clippetts #lucalive 🔗youtu.be/ELkzQzcyGAI
The most Aussie teetee サニーのてぇてぇ(低音)がツボ 🔗【youtu.be/34i7FTOX9b0#Clippetts #Brisklips #cliptain #lucalive #Zottoclips
Asterくんの"MOM" It's soooo cute!TSKR🛐😇💫💜 And Thank you for asking Yugo for vocal training💜💙 🎥【youtu.be/ZySgndm_BF4#Yuclip #YugoONAIR #Clippetts #AiaAmareLIVE #AsterArcadia #RenZotto #ScarleLive #YugoAsuma #ILUNA #MariaMarionette
不破先輩のパッション神プレイによりENメンバーに伝わったのが 『機内食を4匹のにわとり🐔に与えた 』 で大爆笑でした🤣 Genius!!Amazing!!!笑 EN伝言ゲーム🔗【youtu.be/6Llj682Helo#yuclip #YugoAsuma #ふらっと切り抜き #lucalive #フワミナイト #428LIVE #Clippetts #bonnivier_live
oh ike passed by maria's stream a while ago while waiting for ver lmao 🖋️: hello? 🐰: omg ike-senpai! wait, hopcon? 🖋️: [...] i've been sitting here for the past 4 hours wondering like "where's the waiting room?" #SliceOfIke #Clippetts
*talking about characteristics of people with blood type O* 🏆: it also has "optimistic" 🕊️: I'M OPTIMISTIC! 🏆: Optimistic about what?? Death? 🖋️: OHMYGOD 🪄: WWWWW 🕊️: Death gives you peace🙏 #Clippetts #TatsuTalk #EnnaLively #SliceOfIke #MillieSeconds
マリアが離席中にアスターに愛の言葉を囁くレンレン、蜂蜜を掛けて舐めさせようとする?レンレン、噛んだ肉を口移ししようとするレンレン、レンレンレン #RenZotto #AsterArcadia #Clippetts youtu.be/isQ6-0Y_Kws
❤️‍🩹說在9月18號7PM JST將會有NIJIAU的首次聯動,她負責做Quiz Show的主持人 \NIJIAU/ \NIJIAU/ \NIJIAU/ 🔗 youtu.be/wUQvBtrniKo #Clippetts
❤️‍🩹Schedule for the week~ (01-07 MAY)🐰 We have entered the 5th month of the year already 😳 General: #MariaMarionette Live: #MariOnAir Art: #MariArt NSFW: #MariLewd Assets: #MariAssets Memes: #Memettes Thumbnails: #Thumbnettes Clips: #Clippetts
👻: She (🐰) was actually talking about hags. She was talking about an old hag's cvnt... 🖋️: COME AGAIN!? 👻: SHE SAID THAT 🐰: NONONONO "CANNOT"!! Sorry... My aussie accent wwww #ReimuLive #SliceOfIke #Clippetts
🦁: WHO WANTS TO DIE?? ANYONE WANNA DIE?! 💫: ...Luca cause I feel like he's gonna protect me 🦁: YOU THOUGHT WRONG *kills Aster* ❤️‍🩹: *witnesses the murder* 🦁: AAAAHH OMG MARIA!! wwww still cant believe he got away with it #LucaLive #Clippetts #AsterArcadia
🔗and🐰 said the Sailor Moon's lines 😭 月に代わってお仕置きよ🌙✨✨ #Clippetts #Brisklips
🎰: sonny they're innocent men 🔗: no look at them, they're wearing masks 🐰: nonono they smell 🔗: VSF DA!!! DIE!!! 🐰: TEOAGERO BABABABA 🔗: BABABABA aww they're so cute🥺#Clippetts #Brisklips
Ikey jumpscares compilation(ft. Maririn. bless her heart for joining in) from his Mortuary Assistant stream... nade nade ikeyy~ youtube.com/watch?v=gqktTJ… #SliceOfIke #IkeStreamland #Clippetts
Ikey and Mariring, like senpai like kouhai wwwwwwwwwwww i love the sounds they make. that is all. thank u. #SliceofIke #IkeEveland #Clippetts #MariaMarionette
DCLがどうしても頭から離れないマリア(家虎アリ) #Clippetts