Yesterday I was part of a group that peacefully protested the expansion of a coal mine in Germany. We were kettled by police and then detained but were let go later that evening. Climate protection is not a crime. #LuetziBleibt #LuetziLebt #KeepItInTheGround #ClimateJustice
Our so-called “role models”indeed have some work to do. Pretty hard to “solve” the climate crisis without addressing this elephant in the room... #MindTheGap #ClimateJustice
"Vanessa continues to teach a most critical lesson. She reminds us that while we may all be in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat." So proud of my friend Vanessa Nakate! #Time100 #FridaysForFuture #ClimateJustice time.com/collection/tim…
You can use hashtag #StopFakeRenewables , tag EU officials and sign this petition: you.wemove.eu/campaigns/the-… Here’s a letter to EU officials from 62 global scientists on the issue: alfredodifilippo.com/2021/07/10/for… #UniteBehindTheScience #ClimateJustice #UprootTheSystem #FightFor1Point5
And please note, these figures are global and don't include the aspect of equity. High income nations have promised to lead the way and must do more to compensate for historic emissions. #ClimateJustice
There is no climate justice without social justice and human rights. 4/4 Read more here: copcivicspace.net/petition/ #FreeAlaa #FreeThemAll #COP27 #ClimateJustice
スウェーデンで、16才のグレタ・トゥーンベリさんが「政治家達は温暖化対策に真剣に取り組んでいない」と抗議して始めたアクション #FridaysforFuture に賛同する世界規模の行動 #グローバル気候マーチ に私も参加。最後まで歩きました! 地球、守ろう! #ClimateStrike #ClimateJustice Now!
What do we want? Climate Justice! When do we want it? Now!! 地球の未来をまもりたい、将来のために今、行動しよう!!大学生や中高生が国連大学前で声をあげました。これから渋谷をマーチします。 #Fridays4FutureJapan #FridaysForFurture #ClimateJustice