A foreign visitor in China was attacked by a group of Chinese, since he is supporting Hong Kong democracy 有鬼佬因為支持香港係廣州比人打 lih.kg/1512670 ●來源:哈比大戰立腸狗 #democracy #ProChina #Chinazi #LIHKG
Some Hongkong protester were being sexually abused and raped by Hongkong police. Please fight with Hongkong, sanction this inhuman dictatorship. #ProtestToo #FreeHongKong #DemocracyForHK #Chinazi #MeToo
Violation of International Humanitarian Law: police denied first-aiders from entering subway to help the injured Please spread! Subtitle: English and Written Traditional Chinese #HKGETV #humanitariancrisis #standwithhongkong #hongkong #Chinazi #TerroristAttackByHKPolice
The Investigation Ep.2 - 831 MTR Terrorist Attack by Hong Kong Police youtu.be/ZOUN8Cca_Lg Credit list: Pakkin Leung@Rice Post TVB Social Record Channel LostDutch #HKGETV #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #HK #Chinazi #terroristattack #policebrutality #inhumane #antiELAB
Inhumane case: Police refused to follow advise by FA and lead to delaying medical treatment. It could be death in the worst case. By the interview with FA. youtu.be/Gt2xoiuOWQo #HKGETV #humanitariancrisis #HK #Chinazi #terroristattack #policebrutality #inhumane #antiELAB
In Hong Kong, pro-China party destructs democratic walls and attack other citizens 香港各區現「護旗手」四處毀壞及襲擊市民 原文:[13:40]砲台山 藍衫軍出動拆牆+打人 lihkg.com/thread/1567468… lih.kg/1567468 ●來源:Guy_Fong #護旗手 #HongKong #Chinazi #LIHKG
Police abused Hong Kong citizen. A superintendent of police claimed: an officer’s kicking a “yellow object”. lih.kg/1589335 ●來源:RTHK、他只是個孩子啊! #yellowObject #abusing #Chinazi #AntiELAB #LIHKG #Hongkongprotest #HongKongPolice #antiELABhk
Previously, a superintendent of police confirmed a police officer kicked a “yellow object”. 較早之前,新界北總區警司承認了警員有踢過黃色物件。 原文︰922 元朗後巷清晰影片 lih.kg/1590366 #yellowObject #abusing #Chinazi #AntiELAB #LIHKG #Hongkongprotest #antiELABhk
It is not new that #HongKong has already turned into a #policestate but asking innocent civilians to kneel and be obedient? It is unacceptable. Hong Kong is now being invaded and colonised, #HongKongers are alienated. Please #StandWithHongKong and fight against #Chinazi
In this interview, I briefly explain why seeking international support is vital for #HongKong Taiwan’s democratisation is partly contributed by the US 🇺🇸 US forced KMT to democratise 👍🏻 To counter a totalitarian regime, like #Chinazi, we need help from the Free World. #SOSHK
『あの国の人民に嫌悪感を持ってしまった理由』 気が済むまで、続きます。 #Chinazi #AnythingButChina
香港的前因後果 英文版 可以幫忙轉推給外國人看到嗎? #HongKong #Chinazi
It’s none of Biden’s business to ask Putin to step down because Biden isn’t a Russian citizen✅ But it’s of these Chinese nazis’ business to support Putin staying in power because…❓❓❓ #TheGreatTranslationMovement #UkraineWar #Chinazi #大翻译运动
While every rational human being would dread to think of even the possibility of a nuclear WW3, apparently #Chinazi won’t be one of them. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #UkraineRussiaWar
This is an example of how #Chinazi poison their youth: Speak with a soft soothing voice and play a piece of lighthearted music, while implanting violence, hate, and lies into the innocent minds. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #UkraineRussiaWar
#Chinazi cheering over a Ukrainian helicopter allegedly downed by a Russia-confiscated US-made Stinger missile. Are #Chinazi too brainwashed to realize they are on the wrong side of history? Or they are just outright evil?#TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #UkraineRussiaWar
#Chinazi cheering over a Ukrainian helicopter allegedly downed by a Russia-confiscated US-made Stinger missile. Are #Chinazi too brainwashed to realize they are on the wrong side of history? Or they are just outright evil?#TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #UkraineRussiaWar
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made this comment in December last year. Given all the gov-approved #Chinazi behaviors on Chinese social media, do you think he has changed his mind? #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #UkraineRussianWar #ChinaIsWithRussia
A glimpse into how uncivilized #Chinazi are: Geneva Convention totally unheard of, prisoners of war can be killed as long as the winner wants to. #ChinaIsWithRussia #RussiaUkraineWar #China #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动