#NationalSecurityLegislation adopted by #China's NPC is a serious violation of what Beijing promised #HongKong before handover. It's also a blow to HK's freedom & basic rights. We join the international community in condemning the move & will keep helping #HongKongers in need. JW
[How #Beiing treats #ClimateStrike at home]
1. While #China claims to reach carbon neutrality by 2060, it is better for the world to draw attention to how this world’s biggest carbon emitter actually treats green activists at home. vice.com/en_us/article/…
While #Russia threats the world with nuclear strike and murders Ukrainian, #China continues cursing the US as the ONLY nation using nuclear weapon and question the US lab in Ukraine.
#大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
It was a GREAT day!! 😍🇨🇳☀️
Spending Olympic Day in Beijing seems pretty fitting! 🤷♂️😉🤞@Beijing2022 #TheGreatWall #China #Beijing #OlympicDay
1. While #China imposed a new law that can expel elected lawmakers directly, HK regulators attempted to comfort foreign investors in this int'l city by claiming "financial institutions can implement US sanctions" w/o fear of violating #nationalsecuritylaw
Under #nationalsecuritylaw & #China’s #WolfWarriorDiplomacy, it's just a matter of time for foreign firms to consider withdrawing from #Hongkong, esp when even Australian reporters can suddenly fall victim to #Beijing’s #hostagediplomacy threat overnight. japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/09/0…
The decision to impose #NationalSecurityLegislation on #HongKong by the #NPC shatters #China's solemn promise in 1997 to respect #HK's autonomy & freedoms. Now is the time for democracies to #StandWithHongKong! #Taiwan will be ready to offer necessary humanitarian assistance. JW
[#China slams HK judges using judiciary independence to challenge its authority]
1. #CCP mouthpiece People’s Daily attacks HK courts for using judiciary ind to challenge its authority, days after #LiaisonOffice urged a “new struggle against 3 mountains” that targets legal sector
This is #China at its 72nd anniversary:
Jan 7, at #Chongqing city, #CCPChina, workers clashed with #CCP police whn they protested against their employer, ZY Bio(中元汇吉药厂) ‘s sudden announcement that some 10K employees would be laid off.
#ChinaProtests #China #ChinaUprising
2. Clearly #Beijing and #hkpolice attempt to create fear today when #Hongkongers staged protests urging gov to resume the #LegCo2020 election, opposing DNA collection and #nationalsecuritylaw and releasing 12 #hkers detained in #China.
At Suzhou City, #China. 蘇州市。
.@mingpaocom reports that a mainlander from #China took part in the protests against the #NationalSecurityLaw, saying #HongKong shouldn’t be a place without #FreeSpeech. Paper says he held a placard “God destroy #ccp”
內地人首參加示威:不想香港沒言論自由 news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…
What a scene! Somewhere in #CCPChina, patients can only receive infusions outside, in the cold wind, as hospitals are all full.
#chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #XiJingping
[Is NBA sacrificing our free speech and kowtowing to #China again?]
1. Immediately after blocking #FreeHongKong to be printed on its custom gear, #NBA just once again kowtowed to #China by pulling the whole custom gear section from its store.
[Is NBA sacrificing our free speech and kowtowing to #China again?]
1. Immediately after blocking #FreeHongKong to be printed on its custom gear, #NBA just once again kowtowed to #China by pulling the whole custom gear section from its store.
5/ I hope the world can keep watch on the situation in HK. I also call on US @StateDept to list out effective human rights sanction mechanisms in the forthcoming report on HK, as a way to send a warning signal to #China to stem further infringement of autonomy & human rights.
#Berlin : #Hongkong-Aktivist #Law fordert #Deutschland zu #Sanktionen gegen #China auf handelsblatt.com/26148042.html?… #
Time to wake up and face the truth about #China. Thanks @MaajidNawaz for continually shining a light.
Also prizes for Cantonese speakers who can make out what’s on my t-shirt.
Our sincere thanks to @POTUS for signing #TAIPEIAct into law. The bill reflects the strength of #Taiwan-#US ties. It also paves the way for expanded bilateral exchanges while preserving the country's international space in the face of authoritarian #China's campaign of coercion.