Decoupling from #China? They say no!
Black-naped Monarch, seen on southern China's #Hainan island. credit: 新疆雄鹰 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥 #BirdsSeenIn2022
VIDEO: Scarlet Finch is splashing, in SW China's #Yunnan province. by 喜欢喝二两 #China #BirdsSeenIn2022 #TwitterNatureCommunity #野鳥 #nature @Avibase #birds #birdwatching
This may be one of the happiest jobs in the world. #panda #China
The first #China-#GCC Summit has concluded in Riyadh. It was decided at the Summit to establish and strengthen a China-GCC strategic partnership.
Breathtaking! When #China's space station meets Perseid meteor shower.
Pheasant-tailed Jacana (水雉) dad takes care of the young on raining day. They are under second-class state protection in #China. credit 朵儿 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Blue Eared Pheasants are fighting in the air. by 大汉2016 #China #野鳥 #birdwatching #BirdsSeenIn2022 #nature #TwitterNatureCommunity #birds #photography @Avibase
#China is the most favorite partner of people from #ASEAN countries, according to a recent poll by MFA of Japan.
"How about my tail? still not impressed?" asks male Lady Amherst's Pheasant. by 若水 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥 #BirdsSeenIn2022
Red-tailed Laughingthrush, seen in SW China's #Yunnan province. by 悦鸟鸣娴 #China #野鳥 #birdwatching #BirdsSeenIn2022 #nature #TwitterNatureCommunity #birds #photography @Avibase
Scores are in! Our country is one of the best & #China about the worst. But this bad guy thinks its authoritarian nonsense should be forced down the throats of others & waging cognitive warfare against #Taiwan is OK. Time to set the Chinese people free. JW freedomhouse.org/report/freedom…
The cotton harvest season has started in #Xinjiang, the largest cotton-growing area in #China.
Blue-throated Bee-eaters, seen in central China's #Hubei province. by 范云南 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥
When #Beijing expelled 3 major US media outlets @nytimes, @WSJ & @washingtonpost to stop foreign media coverage on #HK & #China, Reuters reports at least 4000 top internal security forces, the PAP, have been joining #hkpolice on the frontlines, according to diplomat sources.
male Eurasian Hoopoe (戴胜). It is national bird of #Israel. credit 蔡技 🌹🌹 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
Himalayan Monal, or 棕尾虹雉, seen in southwestern China's #Tibet autonomous region. credit:平恒 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥
“This is US hypocrisy at its best.” The reporter reveals the hypocritical side of the United States’ stand on Taiwan issue. #Pelosi #China #US
Golden Pheasants, in Henan province.🤣 They are under second-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 抱朴 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
exquisite and bright Indochinese Green Magpie, or 印支绿鹊. (sound on) credit 何平 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥
male Lady Amherst's Pheasant, in Sichuan province. They are under second-class state protection in #China. credit 二筒 🌹☕️ #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2022
Xinjiang is a wonderful place! #Xinjiang #China #AmazingChina
Full of thanks for the bicameral & bipartisan #US congressional delegation led by @SenMarkey for their visit. Authoritarian #China can't dictate how democratic #Taiwan makes friends, wins support, stays resilient & shines like a beacon of freedom. JW