"The Olympics is the last thing we should be having in the middle of the #COVID19 pandemic...The Olympics...must be stopped." -Dr. @aokima33 of Japan Women's Medical Association 医師・公益社団法人日本女医会理 HT @tkatsumi06j
يا معشرَ العالمين، إليكُم هذا النّبأ العظيم .. ..O community of the worlds, here is the great announcement to you Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni 10 - Dhul Hijjah - 1442 AH 20 - 07 - 2021 AD 12:01 pm mahdialumma.net/showthread.php… #HereIsThisGreatNewsToYou #COVID19
ผู้ติดเชื้อ #COVID19 ยอดสูงสุดเพิ่มขึ้นทุกวัน🥺 ขออนุญาตช่วยส่งต่อช่องทางการติดต่อรับความช่วยเหลือ โดยทีม IHRI ร่วมกับ สปสช สนับสนุนโครงการกักตัวอยู่บ้าน (HI) สำหรับผู้ที่อยู่ในเขตกรุงเทพมหานครและปริมณฑล โดยการแอดไลน์ @ComCovid-19 ได้เลยนะครับ
I spoke w/ @AlJazeera on the eve of the #Tokyo2020 opening ceremony about how these Games are so singular, how the IOC president told athletes there was “zero” risk they’d pass along #COVID19 to each other or people outside the Olympic bubble, & how this adds stress for athletes
#dvbtvnews #COVID19 #DrSaSa DVB - "ပြဿနာက ကာကွယ်ဆေး မရတာမဟုတ်ဘူး ... လုပ်ခွင့်မရတာ" youtube.com/watch?v=HBRooz…
Let's celebrate the women and girls around the world who have made tremendous contributions during the ongoing #COVID19 crisis. un-women.medium.com/women-in-scien…
【神奈川県で新たに1051人感染 過去最多】 神奈川県+1051(合計79180人) ※1日あたり過去最多 きょうの国内感染者数は3311人に (16:25時点) 詳細は下記URLより: newsdigest.jp/pages/coronavi… #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19
【速報】新型コロナ きょう全国で9000人超の感染を確認 過去最多を更新 #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19
This is ghastly. Japan's daily total of #COVID19 cases topped 9,000 for the 1st time on Wednesday, an all-time high. Tokyo confirmed 3,177 cases, also a new record. Hospitals are under increasing strain. But the #Tokyo2020 #Olympics must go on, apparently english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/07/3…
The coronavirus nightmare continues in Japan: daily total of #COVID19 cases topped 10,000 for the 1st time on Thursday. Nationwide tally of 10,693 cases included 3,865 in Tokyo, which logged a record for 3rd straight day. Image by @BrookesTimes HT @yoksig english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/07/1…
The #COVID19 pandemic is causing a resurgence in extreme poverty, affecting women the most.
27 more #COVID19 infections linked with the #Tokyo2020 #Olympics, the highest daily count since in July. The 27 cases brings the total to 220: two are athletes & a Games-related official who were staying in the Olympic Village english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/07/0…
Did you know? Women spend 3x as many hours as men each day in unpaid care and domestic work. #COVID19 is adding to women’s unpaid care workloads! 🎨 Art: Yuran Choi
We're oceans apart, but couldn't be closer at heart. I'm moved to see #Lithuania's donation of #COVID19 vaccine doses touching down in #Taiwan. My gratitude to our country's new friend for sharing the commitment to #LeaveNoOneBehind. JW twitter.com/LithuaniaHealt…
18 more #COVID19 cases related to #Olympics revealed Sunday, including 1 overseas athlete, bringing total to 259 cases since the beginning of July. #Tokyo2020 CEO says situation "within expectations." So, how many cases are organizers comfortable with? english.kyodonews.net/tokyo/news/202…
対数スケールや坂の表現の説明を全部書き直した. #COVID19 ryseto.github.io/COVID19/
อาร์เอส ส่งมอบกล่อง RS Self-Isolation Care Box ผ่าน กรมการแพทย์ กระทรวงสาธารณสุข เพื่อส่งต่อให้ผู้ป่วยโควิด-19 สีเขียวที่อาการไม่รุนแรง สามารถพักรักษาตัวที่บ้านได้ภายใต้ระบบ Home Isolation #RSGROUP # RSCareBox #homeisolation #COVID19
We're providing up-to-date info and supporting vital programmes around the world to fight the #ShadowPandemic of violence against women during #COVID19: unwo.men/D0EN50FIBjx
My latest w/ @EdgeofSports @thenation: in Tokyo—& wider Japan—we’re witnessing the nightmare scenario that so many public health experts predicted: surging #COVID19 rates & hospitals on the brink. #Tokyo2020 inflicts stress on hosts in Japan & athletes too thenation.com/article/societ…
The U.S. #COVID19 origins probe is not meant for cracking the scientific puzzle, but a political witch-hunt foretold, making China the sole subject of its origin-tracing efforts. globaltimes.cn/page/202108/12…
#Tokyo2020 #Olympics organizers report 22 new Games-related #COVID19 cases on Saturday, bringing the total to 404 people inside the 'Olympic bubble' who contracted coronavirus since 1 July reut.rs/3s0qeoF
TBSゴゴスマ 「デルタ株になってクラスターが増えているのは、接触感染が増えたから」 嘘をつかないで頂きたい WHOはデルタ株に限らず当初から空気感染としています 本当の事をTVで報道しろ💢 #新型コロナウィルスは空気感染です #COVID19
#America Ranked First? The Truth about America's fight against #COVID19. en.rdcy.org/uploads2021/fi…
2020年7月9日、F-22ラプター・デモンストレーション・チームのパイロット兼司令官のガンダーソン少佐が、COVID-19の感染防止に取り組んだ多くの人々に感謝の意を示すために、エレメンドルフ・リチャードソン統合基地 (アラスカ州) でデモ飛行を行いました。(写真: 米軍公式サイトより) #tbt #COVID19
The 1st batch of Chinese #COVID19 #vaccines through #COVAX have arrived in #Dhaka and #Islamabad. More batches are on the way. China has provided 770+m vaccine doses&concentrate vials to the world. We will continue to fulfill our pledge to make vaccines a global public good.