"We want jobs! We need food!" #BigWhites march in #Tangshan city, #Hebei Province, #CCPChina. With the relaxing of #ZeroCOVIDpolicy, this is a new problem in #China. So more #ChinaProtests are on the way. #ChinaUprising #chinalockdown #A4Revolution #BlankPapersRevolution
"Lift the #lockdown!" Finally, #COVID slaves in #Shenzhen City, #CCPChina are breaking out of the blockade. #CCPvirus #AmazingChina
In Neijiang City, #SiChuan Province, #CCPChina, a man used white blank paper to form the Chinese characters for "freedom(自由)". #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #BlankPapersRevolution #WhitePaperRevolution #WhitePaperProtests
1/2 Breaking: Newly recruited #Foxconn workers in #iPhone city in #Zhengzhou, #CCPChina try to break out of Foxconn as they say they are deceived. Foxconn didn't separate them from older employees who could be #COVID positive, and the contracts they were asked to sign are...
RT. China Building AI God Like Military Surveillance from Google Deepmind AI Technology designed for Planetary #5G BRI Domination #ArtificialIntelligence #CCPChina #QuantumComputing 為了以5G稱霸軍事領域和全球性監控,中共自谷歌竊取了上帝級超級人工智能 theaiorganization.com/a-i-god-china-…
Somewhere in #CCPChina , Trafficker tortures the two women he kidnapped. 舉報人販子。
No words! This story should go down in history books. 這是一個必須載入史冊的故事,所以我把它翻譯出來,留給後人。人被逼得吃屎,這是怎樣天崩地裂的悲慘故事! #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #CCPChina #Shanghai #中共病毒
In #Guangzhou, #BigWhites are equipped with guns now, after on-going public resistance to the #CCP's #ZeroCovid policy. #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
6 Hong Kong and Chinese government officials on the 'Gang of 30' blacklist have been sanctioned by the United States for undermining Hong Kong's autonomy. #USA #Sanditon #HongKong #CCPChina #StandWithHongKong
Rewritten Schoolbooks Say #HongKong Was Never British Colony Curriculum revamped as Beijing exerts greater control. This is only the first steps of #CCPChina🇨🇳 rewriting our history. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
"The police beat people up!" This is how the forceful eviction at Nashi International Community in #Shanghai begins today. Residents are evicted so that the buildings can be used as #qurantine sites for #COVID19. #CCPChina #CCPVirus 4月14日,#上海 纳什国际社区抓人的開始 #中共病毒
Jan 8, at a funeral home in Liaoning Province, the man who recorded this video says as too many bodies are here, they need to send some to other places... #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #CCP #China #CCPChina
Jul 20, many #PLA field communication command vehicles were filmed in Yangjiang, Guangdong Province, #CCPChina. Source in #China also revealed that over a dozen kilometers long procession of #CCP military vehicles were seen on the Shenhai Highway(Shenyang to Haikou.)
#CCPChina🇨🇳 state media tells us that “there is nothing wrong coming from state media”.
At Meilan Airport, Haihou City, #CCPChina, passengers who test #Covid post are transferred in such a “safe” way. Watch my latest show to see how Chinese people’s mindset is affected by the #CCP’s #ZeroCovidPoicy: youtu.be/m1jDV9dlIuk
Wow, this is something new. "#CCP talks sh*t!" "Give me back my #freedom!""No more #lockdowns!" During clashes with the #police, #Chinese #COVID slaves are finally targeting the CCP and demanding freedom. #CCPChina #AmazingChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus
The 2nd guy: “Mr. Putin is no ordinary man. He’s a genius. Putin can do judo. He can carry a thousand pounds.” #CCPChina🇨🇳 twitter.com/Byron_Wan/stat…
“Don’t arrest her! Why do you arrest her?” Crowd shouting while #CCP police arrest a protester in #Hanzhou city #CCPChina tonight #China #ChinaUprising #chinaprotest
New "Liberal Studies" textbooks from #CCPChina🇨🇳 for Hong Kong schools. I've long suspected that Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Ronald McDonald and Grimace were all part of an evil imperialist ploy… twitter.com/ThomasHHChan/s…
Welcome to #China. Care to stay in this magnificent luxury #Covid camps in #Zhengzhou City? #Covid19 #AmazingChina #CCPVirus #CCPChina
How magnificent. Somewhere in #Beijing, people lining up for #COVID19 testing. #北京 某地测核酸队伍。 #COVID #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
Today, students in #Tianjin University in #CCPChina protesting against the #COVID19 #lockdown. They demand to meet the leaders. 5月26日晚,#天津大学 爆发示威活动,抗议 #封城 #清零