This is not the first report of this, nor is UK the only place where #China #CCP cops are operating. But it's unacceptable. @SuellaBraverman @JamesCleverly - I hope you will act immediately to stop this mol.im/a/11317141 via @MailOnline
Go watch my latest video on how the #CCP CAPITALIZES #HK special status as a #BLACKHAND for transporting #MISSLES 🚀. #India intercepted this HK ship with missile components. bit.ly/2N3abmo
This foreign interference from #CCP threatening 🇨🇦 journalists under the #HK #NationalSecurityLaw is completely unacceptable & must be strongly rebuffed by 🇨🇦Gov. nationalpost.com/news/canada/ho…
文贵先生: 温哥华美术馆的,这个发自内心的喊声,来自我们中华民族的男性,今天我可以睡个觉了,终于有男人站出来了…… #动态清零 #隔离 #核酸 #习近平 #CCP #新疆 #乌鲁木齐 #郑州 #富士康 #重庆 #广州 #青岛 #湖南 #北大 #北京线下 #南京传媒学院 #上海线下 #乌鲁木齐线下 #大学线下 #共产党下台
China Is Dismantling Hong Kong’s Unions Empowered workers would be a threat to the #CCP🇨🇳. @wang_maya thenation.com/article/world/…
Within only hours after #Abe’s death, #CCP published a long article to attack him. #CCP’s spokesperson #ZhaoLijian says Abe had left nothing good behind him. Given CCP’s strict control on media narratives, it is hard to imagine such a long article can… 6parknews.com/newspark/view.…
Within only hours after #Abe’s death, #CCP published a long article to attack him. #CCP’s spokesperson #ZhaoLijian says Abe had left nothing good behind him. Given CCP’s strict control on media narratives, it is hard to imagine such a long article can… 6parknews.com/newspark/view.…
04/30/2023 川普接受福克斯采访:我可能是第一个说新冠病毒来自武汉实验室的人。 通过卫星照片和其他东西,可以看到武汉实验室周围到处都是裹尸袋。有人说我向中共国收取了那么多的关税和税收,所以他们这样做是为了把我赶出白宫。 #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難
连郭文贵先生这么有影响力的人,都被共产党用司法超限战伤害。假设我们不在关键时刻,努力为我们受害的同胞发声,那到时候谁还能帮助我们? #CCP #legalunrestrictedwarfare #compatriots #PAG #太平联盟 #单伟建 #中国 #习近平 #ShanWeijian #PAGCase #MilesGuo #WangQishan
“Most of Asia is going to be open again fairly soon, and it’s only China, Hong Kong and Macau that are going to be suffering from travel restrictions into 2022.” Policies enacted during COVID gave the #CCP unprecedented control. They'll never give that up.ft.com/content/73b398…
“Who can come to help? We can never finish our jobs!” Man says this while shooting this video. Don't know when or where, but definitely in #CCPChina. #chinacovid #chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown #XiJinping #CCP
The #CCP🇨🇳 is trying to make Hong Kong's education system become like this: twitter.com/badiucao/statu…
Lining up for urns. The waiting number of the person who shot this is A116, as you can see in the video. At #Tianjin City, #CCPChina. Time: today or yesterday. #chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown #XiJinping #CCP #China twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
The absurdity as well as the inhumanity of #CCP's treatment of #Uyghurs Uyghur cop’s daughter serving 10 years in Xinjiang prison for viewing Turkish films rfa.org/english/news/u…
前司法部雇员George Higginbotham从中共那里拿了4100万美元,并同意帮助中共影响司法部和白宫,将郭文贵先生遣送回中国。而Pras Michel也因为帮助引渡郭文贵先生而拿走了1亿多美元的酬劳。. #FreeMilesGuo 💥#FBI #DOJ #SEC 💥#USA #Traitors 💥#CCPRunningDogs 💥#KickOutTheCCPSpy 💥#CCP #3FPlan
CCP 在2019年9月份就开始放毒了,那时正好是在军运会期间想放毒嫁祸美国军人的。 #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #HongKong #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒
“You've violated a state of emergency order issued by the government," farmer told this when being taken away. Farmers are not allowed to farm during #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown. #CCP #CCPChina 农民种地也要被抓走,开天辟地头一回? “违反了国家紧急状态命令” #中共病毒
中共毒疫苗官司开始了 Lawsuits against the CCP virus vaccines have started #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #HongKong #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒
#辉瑞 员工 Jordon Walker 不小心捅漏了个大新闻,原来辉瑞在违法用猴子培养新冠病毒变种毒株,从而可以做出相应的“定制疫苗”。 这样的功能增强实验,他们竟然称之为“定向进化”,佩服佩服👍果然深得 #CCP 真传 就是先把你腿给打瘸了,再卖你拐杖🤣🤣🤣 剩下部分见下评论区
An outrageous verdict, a completely false charge and an appalling injustice for #JimmyLai 👇 There must be consequences for #CCP's dismantling of #HongKong's rule of law & judicial independence: remaining foreign judges should now withdraw & it's time for targeted sanctions. twitter.com/holmeschan_/st…
AI is a key tool for #CCP🇨🇳 to maintain control. More data makes them more powerful. "We placed the emotion detection camera 3m from the subject. It's similar to a lie detector but far more advanced technology." "Uyghur life is now about generating data."bbc.co.uk/news/technolog…
Today, in #Beijing, people are preparing for long-term #lockdown #北京 超市排大队。#上海 人的血泪经历,让大家都怕了。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #CCPChina #CCP #中共病毒