The planned increase in fuel duty is also cancelled. #Budget2021
We’re providing new Restart Grants to help businesses reopen. #Budget2021
We’re increasing the National Living Wage next year by 6.6%, to £9.50 an hour. For a full time worker, that’s a pay rise worth over £1,000. It will benefit over 2m of the lowest paid workers in the country. #Budget2021
🧰 The Budget will take place on 3 March 2021 and will deliver the next phase of our plan to support our recovery from coronavirus and protect jobs. More: gov.uk/government/new… #Budget2021 #PlanForJobs
To support theatres, orchestras, museums & galleries the tax reliefs for all those sectors will – from today until April 2023 – be doubled. We won’t return to the normal rate until 2024. That’s a tax relief for culture worth almost a quarter of a billion pounds. #Budget2021
Missed the full speech? Here are 5️⃣ things you need to know about #Budget2021 and #SpendingReview.
We’ll continue with the 100% business rates holiday through to the end of June. For the remaining nine months of the year, business rates will still be discounted by two thirds, up to a value of £2m for closed businesses. A £6bn tax cut for business. #Budget2021
At #Budget2021 I promised to double the funding to help businesses take on new apprentices. Today we deliver on that promise and businesses can now claim £3000 for each new apprentice they hire. It’s another important part of our #PlanForJobs. More: gov.uk/government/new…
I can confirm today: the planned rise in fuel duty will be cancelled. That’s a saving over the next five years of nearly £8bn. After 12 consecutive years of frozen rates, the average car driver has now saved a total of £1,900. #Budget2021
As the Bounce Back Loan and CBIL schemes come to an end, we’re introducing a new Recovery Loan Scheme to take their place. #Budget2021
By age thirty, people with poor numeracy skills are more than twice as likely to be unemployed as their peers. So today we launch: Multiply. Multiply is a £560m, three-year plan to improve basic maths skills and change people’s lives across the whole United Kingdom. #Budget2021
1/ We are cutting the Universal Credit Taper Rate not by 1%, not by 2% - but by 8%. From 63p to 55p. Click to read the full thread 🧵 #Budget2021
We’re launching a new Future Fund Breakthrough to help fill the scale-up funding gap. #Budget2021
We’ll also tackle fraud in our COVID schemes, with £100m to set up a new Taxpayer Protection Taskforce of around 1,000 investigators. #Budget2021
Draught Relief will apply a new, lower rate of duty on draught beer and cider. It will particularly benefit community pubs who do 75% of their trade on draught. It’s not a freeze, it will cut duty by 5%. A long-term investment in British pubs of £100m a year. #Budget2021