Same goes for Donnie Yen, another outspoken admirer of the Hong Kong police. I, too, urge everyone who believes in racial justice to #BoycottMulan. twitter.com/HongKongHermit…
This film is released today. But because Disney kowtows to Beijing, and because Liu Yifei openly and proudly endorses police brutality in Hong Kong, I urge everyone who believes in human rights to #BoycottMulan. twitter.com/cnni/status/11…
@DEADLINE #Mulan's lead actress supports police brutality against Hongkongers. She is everything that the real Mulan stands against. This is not our Mulan. #BoycottMulan
Let's tell your friends who love #Disneyland movies and products this: It is not COLL to watch #Mulan. It means you are quietly supporting wrong values that make people suffer. The film does deserve a better actress to play the main character. #BoycottMulan
A #Mulan who supports state violence and police brutality is not representing the true spirits of this character: brave, assertive and dedicated. #Disney made a wrong call and now people #BoycottMulan.