When 200,000 #Belarusians staged the biggest march against dictator #Lukashenko, #China’s media, Dragon TV, spread fake news by claiming those ralliers were pro-Lukashenko, though they held white-red protest flags & placards w/ slogan “A killer can't be a president” in Belarusian
In the meantime, #Belarus' dictator #Lukashenko deployed security forces to directly shot protestors and throw stun grenades straight at #Belarusians’ backs at #Orlovskaya street in #Minsk, when they held a peaceful protest today. #PoliceBrutalityMustEnd #StandwithBelarus
Mr #Lukashenko Mr #Putin ! We gave you fair warning! To the peaceful #Ukrainians #Russians #Belarusians We hear you ! Mr Lukashenko Mr Putin - Hear Us ! 🇺🇦 We are Legion ! We are United ! We do not Forgive ! We do not Forget ! WE ARE AT WAR #Anonymous
3. When scrolling through their biggest telegram channel, NEXTA Live, time and again I am impressed by #Belarusians’ creativity and vibrancy, when people generously provide shelters and donate medical resources.
4. Facing the shared destiny under tyrannical rules, we are all the oppressed. #Hongkongers can feel #Belarusians’ pain and sense of injustice, and therefore #HKers will #StandwithBelarus in their fight for democracy. #FreeBelarus #HKerswithyou