It illustrates that we, the @HKHIIAD student delegation, have already been 7 places including #US #UK #Australia #EuropeanUnion #UN over the past 90days. We hope the Free World can #StandWithHongKong, pass the #MagnitskyAct. #UK should also grant more rights to #BNO holders too!
消息指: 『其中一人其實只有BNO的影印本,但僥倖仍可上機。』 原文: 至少4名被困港人靠BNO逃出秘魯抵倫敦 lih.kg/1952597 ●來源:英國駐港高級專員 #BNO #重要性 #秘魯 #中國病毒 #武漢肺炎 #LIHKG
愛國的中國人記住唔好續BNO👋🏻 原文: 英揆約翰遜首度就BNO問題發表聲明 lih.kg/2048426 ●來源:Fujiwara_Hiroshi #英國 #BNO #移民 #LIHKG
@lukedepulford These #Beijing loyalists are tearing up a voided #BNO passport while leaving the real one at home. Are they trying keep their real 🇬🇧#BNO passports so they can move to the UK when they eventually get discarded by their 🇨🇳#CCP masters?
@lukedepulford These #Beijing loyalists are tearing up a voided #BNO passport while leaving the real one at home. Are they trying keep their real 🇬🇧#BNO passports so they can move to the UK when they eventually get discarded by their 🇨🇳#CCP masters?
唯一希望民建聯可以爭取到嘅嘢🤗 原文: 蔣麗芸:官員同警員都唔應該續BNO lih.kg/2091821 ●來源:鈕祜祿·甄嬛 #有用的 #蔣麗芸 #BNO #真中國人 #LIHKG
「林鄭月娥強調 BNO除旅遊證件外,還賦予持有人有新英國國籍地位」華僑日報 (1985年12月18日) 「林鄭:BNO僅旅行證件 英國單方面改變中方將回應」特首記者會(2020年07月07日) lih.kg/2098759 ●來源:3KG毒后高_可_晴 #林鄭 #BNO #考古 #LIHKG
[#Portugese 🇵🇹 & #UK’s #BNO holders 🇬🇧 detained in #China for over 3 weeks] 1. Of the 12 #HKers detained in #China, one is reportedly #Portuguese passport holder while another two are #BNO holders. They are held w/o legal access, sparking growing concern of inhumane treatment.
[#Portugese 🇵🇹 & #UK’s #BNO holders 🇬🇧 detained in #China for over 3 weeks] 1. Of the 12 #HKers detained in #China, one is reportedly #Portuguese passport holder while another two are #BNO holders. They are held w/o legal access, sparking growing concern of inhumane treatment.
#Day27 [Right of visiting 12 detainees declined] 1/ While #CCP may claim that the group is not under consular protection, the right of visiting 12 detainees by consulate is an absolutely legitimate & reasonable demand, especially for a🇵🇹 #Portugese national & 2 #UK #BNO holders.
考慮完再叫我🥱 原文: 趙立堅宣佈:中方將考慮不承認英國國民海外護照作為有效旅行證件 lih.kg/2255006 ●來源:27540 #BNO #旅行證件 #中國外交部 #得把口 #LIHKG
"UK Civil Society offers welcome to Hong Kongers" New op-ed by @benedictrogers To read: bit.ly/36lDKJU #BNO #BNO簽證 #hongkongers #UK #visa
#BNO scheme opens today. Welcome #HongKongers I’m sorry you had to leave. The road ahead may be tough. And the scheme may not run totally smoothly at first. It’s a tough time for the UK and we are still preparing. Stick with it. You are welcome here. @hongkongarc
震驚了!英國宣布正式落實BNO 5+1計畫,英國人的反應竟然是?! 岩岩見到呢個post又真係幾正面🤧🤧 lih.kg/2388921 #HongKong #HongKongProtests #BNO
#BNO passport is a British passport. What right does the Hong Kong SAR government think they have to tell any state what foreign passports it can recognise? Is this example of wolf warrior diplomacy? reuters.com/article/us-hon…
🇬🇧 #BREAKING UK Government announces a comprehensive new package to welcome #BNO Hongkongers, with 12 welcome hubs setting up across four nations, new resources for schools to teach students about UK-HK connection, and a new website to help HK families navigate the move.
From charging international fees at university to language tuition and mental health support, there are many areas to improve in the government's British Nationals Overseas scheme. Important oped by @LaylaMoran which cites our new briefing on #BNO. independent.co.uk/voices/hong-ko…
HSBC boss Mark Tucker accused of attack on democracy over Hong Kong | The Times #IPAC members @MPIainDS 🇬🇧 and @uffeelbaek 🇩🇰 call on @HSBC to release frozen assets of pro-democracy activists and explain reports of refusal to recognise #BNO passports. thetimes.co.uk/article/hsbc-b…
Hong Kong under-24s beg to come to Britain | The Times Pro-democracy campaigners write to @pritipatel in support of @DamianGreen amendment to rationalise #BNO settlement scheme to include many young Hong Kongers excluded from it. @hk_watch thetimes.co.uk/article/hong-k…
China’s persecution of Peng Shuai is shocking, but Hong Kongers aren’t surprised | City AM Growing momentum behind @DamianGreen amendment to extend UK #BNO visa offer to Hong Kongers born after 1997 handover. @hk_watch cityam.com/china-persecut…
There will be a rally hosted by Hongkongers on Monday 6 December 4-6pm outside of Parliament to support #GreenAmendment to #NationalityandBordersBill which will ensure young Hong Kongers access the #BNO scheme. Details on speakers to follow. Hope to see you there!
Free this Monday afternoon 4pm-6pm? There will be a rally hosted by Hongkongers outside of No.10 Downing Street in support #GreenAmendment to #NationalityandBordersBill which will ensure young Hong Kongers access the #BNO scheme. Details on speakers to follow. Hope you will join.
Huge crowd outside No. 10 Downing Street for #BNO rally in support of the cross-party #GreenAmendment to the Nationality & Borders Bill. @pritipatel Thread.
Our Patron @DavidAltonHL introduces amendment to extend #BNO rights to young #HongKongers born after 1997, together with our Patron, last Governor of #HongKong Lord Patten of Barnes & with support from former Lord Chancellor @LordCFalconer, @BishopStAlbans and across all parties
"Everyone of my successors as Chief Executive of Hong Kong had a British passport ... and the ones who are being locked up don't" Lord Patten makes the case for extending #BNO rights to young #HongKongers