It's hard to believe, but the 'Azovstal. A Symbol of Perseverance' project is coming to an end. The last bracelet, created from the final batch of Azovstal plant metal, has been sold. 100,000 pieces were made in total, being sold in 44 countries. #Azovstal #united24
Over 45,000 #Azovstal bracelets were purchased in 2 days🔥 This means that we have enough funds to buy another 6 naval drones for our fleet. Today, 🇷🇺ships fired missiles at our cities again. Help us build the #FleetOfNavalDrones to stop these attacks: u24.gov.ua/navaldrones
The last batch of bracelets from pre-war #Azovstal is finally released! These final 'Azovstal. A Symbol of Perseverance' bracelets were made from the "BELIEVE IN THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE" letters, which stood at the foot of the largest flag of Ukraine for a month. #united24
Soon. #Azovstal
Look how #Azovstal defender Zoryana Repetska meets her family after 5 months in #russia's captivity. Tearful reunion with her daughters who were waiting for her mother so much. #StandWithUkraine
Amazing! One of the heroes of Mariupol #Azovstal Suffered horribly as a POW in Russian control. “If you are in captivity and you understand there is nothing you can change — why in the world would you be sulking?” twitter.com/Gerashchenko_e…
There is no story that inspires me more than the Battle of Mariupol, seige of #Azovstal The more I learn about it, the more I see its legendary story potential to span generations. I pray the movie is in development @tomhanks twitter.com/MrKovalenko/st…
Legends. #Mariupol #Azovstal Interesting to see what was being brought in and what was being taken out. Warriors! twitter.com/UAWeapons/stat…
彼らはもう一ヶ月間ロシアが支配している領土にいます‼️ アゾフスタリの英雄たちを忘れないでください!🙏 #アゾフスタリ #FreeAzov #Azovstal #saveazovstaldefenders
#Mariupol, #Ukraine. Everything that has left from #Azovstal which was so bravely defended by 🇺🇦 heroes from #Russia's invaders who never managed to capture it, but turned it into the rubble by heavy bombs, rockets, projectiles. 🇷🇺 keep bombing 🇺🇦 cities, killing innocent people
Yes, China's People Daily job is speaking on Russia's behalf and literally millions of people are waiting for this "good news" from #Azovstal for 80+days. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
.@ZelenskyyUa says 90% of the pilots that risked all to deliver food, water, ammo, weapons to #Azovstal #Mariupol defenders, allowing them to hold for weeks, did not returned, gave the ultimate sacrifice for Ukraine, Europe, Freedom. Heroes! Legends! english.nv.ua/nation/russia-…
#Mariupol Ukrainian defenders of #Azovstal, heroes, unbreakable. Thank you! Photos by @Kozatsky_D, serviceman of #AzovBattalion #GloryToUkraine #GloryToTheHeroes
This just has to make the cover of major magazines like Time. #Azovstal will be a global story for generations. A story of brave men and women resisting evil. Historic. Legend. twitter.com/Kozatsky_D/sta…
Amen #Azovstal commanders / defenders still alive, fighting. Legends. I don't want to know the details. The fact that they are alive, still there, is enough! #SlavaUkraini twitter.com/Gerashchenko_e…
I'm in awe. As a former soldier, as a student of war. Clearly there was a conversation in #Azovstal #Mariupol Who would go (sick, wounded)? Who wants to stay? This is a story that'll be passed down to generations around the world. "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." It is not over.
That Russia may have used Phosphorus bombs against #Azovstal receives great support and praise from China. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
"The struggle continues"!!! #Azovstal #Mariupol Ukrainian heroes in Mariupol still fight despite all the reports! #SlavaUkraini twitter.com/BohdanKrotevyc…
OFFICIAL FROM UKRAINE! 53 injured #Azovstal troops in #Mariupol evacuated to occupied Novoazovsk for medical treatment. 211 more taken to occupied Olenivka. There will be a prisoner swap! #SlavaUkraini The rest of the Azovstal garrison is yet to be rescued. They still fight.
The reality of the Ukrainian warriors of the Mariupol garrison is such that even @MarvelStudios would not be able to fully comprehend it… #Azovstal #Mariupol #UAarmy #UAMarines #UATerritorialDefence @ng_ukraine & #Azov @DPSU_ua @NPU_GOV_UA Photo by Dmytro Kozatskyi
Russia trying everything they can to get to the brave #Azovstal defenders. Possible white phosphorus and cluster munitions. I still have lots of hope! The defenders have many advantages. God speed to them holding. Russia losing on many fronts. #SlavaUkraini #Mariupol twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/…
Mariupol still stands! May 14. Still fighting. Motivated. I believe they will prevail. Legends! #SlavaUkraini #Azovstal #Mariupol twitter.com/Gerashchenko_e…
What great news!! Mariupol still stands! May 11. #SlavaUkraini #Mariupol #Azovstal twitter.com/JackDetsch/sta…