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Delighted to meet with my good friend #AIT Director Christensen on the day after the election. I look forward to working with him to forge an even closer #Taiwan-#US partnership based on our shared commitment to democracy, peace, & stability.
41 years to the day since #TRA came into play, #Taiwan-#US ties are stronger than ever. Minister Wu & #AIT Director Christensen saw off 2 million masks set for #COVID19-hit states, with more to come. Both sides will keep combating #Coronavirus together & promoting #HealthForAll.
#AIT Chairman Moriarty & I agree that #Taiwan’s ability to contain #COVID19 is a testament to our strong democratic system. It also underscores the value we can bring to international organizations by sharing our knowledge, experience, & generosity to benefit humankind.
I thank the #AIT for supporting democracy & the democratically-elected government in #Taiwan. To those who #SpeakUpForTaiwan, thank you!
It is always a pleasure to welcome #AIT Chairman Moriarty back to Taiwan. He has made tremendous contributions to #Taiwan-#US relations, & we’re happy to have him here to discuss new developments.
Aloha! Good to be back in #Hawaii again & welcomed by #Taiwan’s faithful friend #AIT Chairman Moriarty. Just arrived at the banquet & delighted to see so many old and new faces tonight! #OceansOfDemocracy
We warmly welcome the announcement of Sandra Oudkirk as new director of the #AIT's Taipei office. The @StateDept official brings a wealth of experience to the role, it's expected the #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸 relationship will continue flourishing under her watch. ▶️bit.ly/3higXES
Real progress is achieved when like-minded partners cooperate for the greater good. Minister Wu, #AIT Director Christensen & Amb. Hennessey-Niland made it crystal clear. #Taiwan🇹🇼 & the #US🇺🇸 will work even closer in building better tomorrows for the people of the #IndoPacific.
I’m delighted to welcome #AIT Director Christensen on his 3rd posting to Taiwan. Given the rapid changes in the #IndoPacific, I anticipate we'll work closely in strengthening the #Taiwan-#US trade & security partnership, as well as promoting regional peace, stability & prosperity
#Taiwan, the #US & #Canada concur! The sweet taste of a #FreedomPineapple is 2nd to none! A big thanks to #AIT Director Christensen & @Jordan_J_Reeves for backing the top-quality, internationally certified fruit grown with love & pride in the southern sun. abc.net.au/news/2021-03-0…
All eyes were on Minister Wu & #AIT Director Christensen as they issued the Joint Declaration on #5G Security. The instrument ramps up #Taiwan-#US collaboration on protecting the 5G network, as well as tackling threats to data, freedom, human rights & socioeconomic development.
Minister Wu had a warm meeting with new #AIT Director Oudkirk. The pair discussed issues at the heart of the #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸 partnership, as well as areas in which the democracies can expand exchanges based on shared values. We look forward to even more cooperation going forward.
Minister Wu took enormous delight in awarding the #AIT's Director Christensen & Deputy Director Greene our Grand Medal of Diplomacy & Friendship Medal of Diplomacy, respectively. The honors reflect the pair's outstanding contributions to advancing #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸 ties. Thank you!
Great to sit with my dear friend #AIT Director Christensen one last time & go over the #RealProgress we've made these last 3 years. We're all sad at the MOFA to see you leave. But you'll stay in the hearts of the people of #Taiwan as a #RealFriend. See you in Hawaii, Brent. JW
Both #Taiwan & #US are committed to the values of democracy & freedom. I’m delighted to discuss with #AIT Chairman Moriarty on how to further our partnership & promote our shared interests in maintaining peace & stability in the Indo-Pacific.
Wonderful to see #AIT Chairman Moriarty again. We thank the #US for speaking up against Chinese pressure on int’l airlines to change their designation of #Taiwan. Our people deeply cherish the friendship that the US has shown us.
#Taiwan & the #US are ramping up #Coronavirus-fighting cooperation. @MOHW_Taiwan will share best practices & work even closer with #AIT to fast-track development of #COVID19 medicine & vaccines. Yes! Taiwan & the US can help realize @WHO's #HealthForAll. ait.org.tw/ait-will-enhan…