For many women, sexual harassment is a daily experience.
🚶🏽♀️On the street
📱 Online
👜In the workplace
This #16Days, create a safer environment for everyone by speaking up when someone crosses the line, or by enlisting the help of others if you don’t feel safe.
Recognize these signs? You can find help and advice for yourself or someone you care about here: unwo.men/zUfB50H3sQ0 #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Learn to recognize the signs of an abusive relationship, and how you can find help for yourself or someone you care about: unwo.men/M8La50GXvmC
#OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Calling everyone to act to end violence against women and girls makes sense in EVERY language.
🧡This #16Days, together we can #PushForward for a world free from violence for women & girls everywhere.
Are you with us?
@ONUMujeres @ONUFemmes @unwomenarabic
女性に対する暴力撤廃国際デーである11月25日から世界人権デーの12月10日まで、16日間に渡ってジェンダーに基づく暴力撤廃に向けたグローバルキャンペーンが行われます。25日を中心にスタンディングなどでアピール、SNSで発信しましょう‼@unwomenjapan #世界をオレンジ色に #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Services for women & girls experiencing violence can be the difference between life and death.
Shelters, hotlines, counseling and all support for survivors of gender-based violence need to be available for those in need.
RT if you agree!
#16Days #PushForward
Violence against women & girls increases their vulnerability to HIV.
Yet, nearly 1 in 3 women 15 & older have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime.
Governments must provide HIV/#VAW prevention: bit.ly/AIDSDAY21 @UNAIDS #16Days
#新型コロナウイルス の感染拡大以来、女性に対する暴力が急増しています。ジェンダーに基づく暴力撤廃に向けた16日間のキャンペーンは、より良い社会のために変化を起こすチャンスです。私たち一人ひとりが、果たすべき役割を持っています。
#16Days #世界をオレンジ色に #orangetheworld
У посети једној од Сигурних кућа у Београду. Насиље је тема целог друштва, не само оних који га доживљавају. Заједно морамо да радимо и помогнемо угроженима, да јачамо солидарност и емпатију у друштву. #HearMeToo #OrangeTheWorld #16Days