25 November is the International Day to End Violence against Women & the world 🌎 is turning orange 🧡 to stand against gender-based violence. Let’s kick off the #16Days of Activism and #OrangeTheWorld!
📣Today, we call upon EVERYONE to play a part in ending violence against women and girls EVERYWHERE. Join us this #16Days of Activism to push forward on a world free from violence. Against the pushback on women's rights, let's #PushForward! 🧡RT if you are with us!
No Non Ne не Na Nee Ei нет жок Nej አይ Nē Nei ไม Nee Nem Leai Cha Yox Nie όχι नहीं Não 没有 Nein Немає Yo'q Не ні Níl Maya Nu Ոչ Nihil いや Hayır 아니 Ingen ਨਹੀਂ Hapana nullum žiadny না Không होईन Mba Tidak Geen 番号 Jo In every language, NO MEANS NO. #orangetheworld #16Days
Respect women. That's it. That's the tweet. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
Trans women are 4 times more likely to experience violence than cisgendered people. This #16Days of Activism, learn with our friend @NikkieTutorials about how we can all support and protect trans women. #OrangeTheWorld
Dear survivors of violence who are bravely speaking out: We hear you. We see you. We believe you. You’re not alone.🧡 #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
💻Respect women online. 💼Respect women at work. 🏠 Respect women at home. 🏫Respect women at school. 🏛️Respect women in politics. 🚗Respect women on the road. 🚶‍♀️Respect women in the streets. 🚈Respect women on public transport. Respect women EVERYWHERE. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Since the outbreak of #COVID19, there has been a spike in reports of violence against women. #16Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an opportunity to make a difference for the better. Every one of us has a role to play. #OrangeTheWorld
No more violence, no more discrimination, no more stigma. Together, let’s put an end to violence against women. Join the #Give25forUNTF25 challenge: unwo.men/IL2W50GTUBV #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
Women's. Rights. Are. Not. Negotiable. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
Online. At work. In traffic. At home. At school. In politics. In science. At the farm. At the gym. On the road. In the streets. In the market. On public transport. Women and girls have a right to feel safe EVERYWHERE. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Abuse is not always physical and it doesn’t always leave visible scars. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Women continue to be killed just because they are women. This #16Days of Activism, let's stand against impunity and continue to speak up for justice until women can live without fear of violence. #OrangeTheWorld
Free to be you. Free to say no. Free to say yes. Free from violence. Free from discrimination. Free to decide your future. Free to be whoever you want. Free to love whoever you want. Free. Period. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
Every time a woman speaks up about her experience of sexual violence and she’s not believed, the cycle of abuse continues. Every time you hear a survivor’s story: 1-Listen. 2-Believe. 3-Support. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Stop teaching girls that when a boy is mean to her, it means he likes her. Stop teaching boys that being a man means asserting power. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
For #HumanRightsDay, louder for the people in the back. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation that’s been perpetuated for decades. It’s pervasive, but it’s not inevitable, unless we stay silent. Speak out, #OrangeTheWorld & break the cycle of abuse during #16Days of Activism!
Learn it. Recognize it. Take action to end it. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
There is no excuse for sexual violence. There are no blurred lines when it comes to consent. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
Call it out when you see it: ❌Abuse ❌Catcalling ❌Sexist jokes ❌Unwelcome behaviour ❌Inappropriate sexual comments Sexual harassment is never okay. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities let us #PushForward for a world free from violence and discrimination for all women and girls with disabilities. RT if you agree! #16Days #IDPD
What she means when she says no: No. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
👖Not asking for it. 👗Not asking for it. 🥻Not asking for it. 👙Not asking for it. 👠Not asking for it. 👘Not asking for it. 🩱Not asking for it. 👟Not asking for it. 💄Not asking for it. There is no excuse for sexual assault and harassment. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days