7/10 is Shā Wú Shēng's birthday! Happy birthday!🎂 We have a big party for the birthday boy today!🎉 Everyone: Happy Birthday!🥳🥳🥳 Wu Sheng: ...Thanks😳(feels awkward to have so many people around.) #ThunderboltFantasy #ShaWuSheng #東離劍遊紀 #殺無生
May all pupils listen to their teachers on this Teacher's Day, bless them. Sha: Long time no see. Happy Teacher's Day...Master. Tie: Hmph, so the rebel does remember his way home. Door's open. #東離劍遊紀 #殺無生 #鐵笛仙 #ThunderboltFantasy #ShaWuSheng #TieDiXian
宝塚版サンダーボルトファンタジー観劇。檜山的には初宝塚!面白かった!なるほど宝塚にハマる人の気持ちがなんとなくわかったかも!そして宝塚版の殺無生。カッコよかった!台詞の言い回しがなんとなく檜山殺無生に似ているなぁと感じたのは、ひやま調子に乗った勘違いか(笑) byひやま #殺無生