郭榮鏗撐住,頂住大壓力💪💪💪 民主派加油,香港人加油,天佑香港🙏🙏🙏 #撐郭榮鏗 #越打壓越頑強 #撐蘋果 #買蘋果 #訂蘋果
NY4HK & @hkfla launched a Gofundme campaign to support @appledaily_hk. All donations go to Apple Daily, tax deductible & any amount can help. The ad will be designed by our NY based designer! Let’s show support from US HKers! #TogetherWeWillWin #撐蘋果 charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/…
Many thanks again, especially our donors, amazing designer and the Apple Daily’s coworkers! Here is the front page of @appledaily_hk in HK today. #TogetherWeWillWin #撐蘋果
Many HKers purchased Apple Daily from 2am in Hong Kong. That is only because we treasure Freedom of Press. 朝二時から、大勢の人 #アップルデイリー 新聞紙を買うためにお店に殺到し始めました。ただただ、報道の自由は大事ですから。 #蘋果日報 #撐蘋果 #SupportAppledaily #WeNeedAppleDaily