上海癌症病人因防疫要求被封锁在小区等死🤫 #疫情百态 #这就是中国 #上海
这下泄露国家机密了😆 #合订本 #新闻连连看 #上海
大喇叭 :我们要吃饭! 🗣群众:我们要吃饭! 大喇叭 :我们要上班! 🗣群众:我们要上班! 大喇叭 :我们要自由! 😨群众:.............. 这下真苏联笑话了 什么自我管理意识到位的中国人🐒 #这就是中国 #上海
At #Shanghai, babies are separated from their parents at the quarantine site! Many babies developed skin ulcers because nobody gave them proper cleanings. #covid #COVID19 #CCPVirus #上海 金山婴幼儿隔离点,孩子哭鬧,多名幼儿得不到清洗,皮肤溃烂。 #中共病毒
8 "Big Whites" beat up 1 man during #CCPVirus #Covid_19 #lockdown in #Shanghai. #上海 联阳小区,8个大白打1个市民。 #中共病毒
Gunshots can be heard in the Jiuting area in #Shanghai after people protested and demanded food delivery during the #COVID19 #lockdown #上海 九亭小區 饥民抗议,好像兩次開槍示警
宝山区物资被烧🔥 #大蟈战役 #上海
上海市委书记李强在探访某个小区时 作秀失败 被居民打脸🤣(下接视频) #上海 #大蟈战役
Although I do not quite understand all the details of this video, obviously, someone in #Shanghai gets taken away by Big Whites for #COVID19 #quarantine. This looks like more Neo-Nazism (and just some normal #CCP practice). #上海 国家恐怖新剧情。#中共病毒 #CCPChina #CCPvirus
Sorry, no time to add English titles. To sum it up, a mom in #Shanghai crying, begging, & reasoning with the Big Whites for 2 hours as her 2-year-old child is dying of a high fever & needs to go to the hospital during the #COVID19 #lockdown. #上海 宝山,两岁孩子发烧急需就医……
「DAILYSHOW节选」 曾经中国人自认为的好朋友崔娃现在嘲讽度拉满了,后半段吐槽蚌埠住了,最亮点的在最后🤣(点击查看更多) #DAILYSHOW #中国 #上海
“The police are hitting us!” Woman in #Shanghai crying and shouting. Looks the police are arresting people who broke the #lockdown barricades. #上海 這樣的瘋狂還要持續多久?#CCPChina #CCPVirus
"What is happening in #Shanghai is the result of the international situation. We are going to have a war with the #US." Can you work out the logic behind the police officer's words? I can't. 原來 #上海 的一切都是國際形勢造成的。「要跟美國打仗了!」 #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19
Apr 14, #Shanghai, Zhangjiang, police use violence against residents who oppose the expropriation of their homes to build a #quarantine site. #上海 张江镇,警察暴力对付反对征用民居建隔离点的市民。 #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19
Apr 14, Police in Zhangjiang, #Shanghai, violently dealt with citizens who opposed the expropriation of their homes to build a #quarantine site. #上海 张江镇警察暴力对付反对征用民居建隔离点的市民。 #CCPvirus #CCPChina #COVID19 #中共病毒
这个bgm就对味了💃,我支持上海警察,你们可以打我了!👊 #上海 #中国式防疫 #大蟈战疫
Residents in #Shanghai take to the street, confront #CCP police & call them beats. #CCPChina #CCPVirus #COVID19 #上海 人罵 #中共 警察是畜生, 上街了,抗議了,不忍了。#中共病毒
中国のPCR検査、日本も見習えと言っていた方々 お元気ですか RT @nnasiastrologer: 新着情報:#上海 で共産党の検疫命令を執行するため、警察はますます残忍な力を行使している。 @daitojimari twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
"The police beat people up!" This is how the forceful eviction at Nashi International Community in #Shanghai begins today. Residents are evicted so that the buildings can be used as #qurantine sites for #COVID19. #CCPChina #CCPVirus 4月14日,#上海 纳什国际社区抓人的開始 #中共病毒
Some intense moments when the #CCP police remove residents from their homes so that the buildings can be used as #COVID19 #Quarantine site. Apr 14, Nashi International Community, #Pudong New Area, #Shanghai. 4月14日,#上海 纳什国际社区暴行。下跪沒用,哭喊也沒用!#中共病毒
趙立堅:美方應該認認真真聽聽民眾的哭泣和吶喊! #趙立堅 #上海 #疫情 #浦東新區張江鎮張江納仕人才公寓
#上海 中国女人比男人厉害啊👍
这个人做得非常好,但是需要援助 ! 如果全楼的人都下来,那么大白就会被吓跑 ! 法不责重这是常识! 视频来自 #上海 : 我们又没有被判刑,为啥用这个把我们关在里面?万一失火怎么办?
Today, in #Beijing, people are preparing for long-term #lockdown #北京 超市排大队。#上海 人的血泪经历,让大家都怕了。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #CCPChina #CCP #中共病毒
Although I still haven’t found out the name of the “weapon “ the Big Whites use to capture human beings, I do find #Shanghai women are fiercer than man (watch my previous video as evidence) #上海 大妈勇斗大白。比我上个视频里那个男人猛!#CCPChina #ccpvirus