#FF7R #FF7 #Aerith #エアリス #AerithGainsborough 前にアップしたラフを仕上げた!
They’re looking for a ride ^_−☆ — #FF7RIntergrade #Aerith #エアリス #Tifa #ティファ
Art collab with my dear @Binka_Miaou 💖 We both love Aerith very much and it was a pleasure to color her artwork 🌸 Doesn’t she capture Aerith’s caring yet playful look just right? — #Aerith #エアリス #FF7
新たなキービジュアルを公開いたしました! #FF7R #FF7R_inter #クラウド #エアリス #バレット #ティファ #レッドXIII
どれも似合う☺️👗💕 #FF7R #FF7リメイク #エアリス
#AerithWeek Day 6: Prayer 🙏 Playing with light has been delightful this week! — #AerithWeek2021 #エアリス週間2021 #エアリス #Aerith #FF7R
#AerithWeek Day 5: Boundless Freedom 🌧 I wanted to stick to her OG design for the week, but today’s theme just had Hollow playing in my mind and I had to draw that bitter sweet moment, leaving Midgar under the rain — #AerithWeek2021 #エアリス週間2021 #エアリス #Aerith #FF7R
#AerithWeek Day 4: Yellow Flowers 💐 I had lots of fun with this one (^-^)v — #AerithWeek2021 #エアリス週間2021 #エアリス #Aerith #FF7
#AerithWeek Day 3: Pink and Red Dress 🍓 At that point I was the only #Aerith fanartist out there that hasn’t drawn her in the Lirika Matoshi dress, now fixed! ٩( 'ω' )و — #AerithWeek2021 #エアリス週間2021 #エアリス #FF7
2021.0207誕生日おめでとう! #エアリス #FF7 #Aerith #FF7R pixiv.net/artworks/87596…
Let #AerithWeek begins! 🌼 Day 1: Happy birthday #Aerith! It’s already her birthday in Japan!! #エアリス★誕生日おめでとう🎉 — #AerithWeek2021 #エアリス週間2021 #FF7
#FF7 メインテーマをアレンジ。 曲の後半ではエアリスのテーマが重なり、クラウドとの融合を目指しました。 Arranged the FF7 main theme. In the latter half of the song, the motifs of Aerith's theme overlapped, aiming for fusion. #FF7R #クラエア #cloud #Aerith #FF #エアリス
HAPPY NEW YEAR !! 平和を取り戻せる1年になりますように。 #あけましておめでとう #HappyNewYear2021 #Aerith #FF7R #エアリス
✨Aerith Christmas 2020 💙 A little early but I wish all of you happy holidays 🎄 #Christmas  #クリスマス  #Aerith #エアリス #FF7
Child Aerith taking care of a fluffy Chocobo 🐥✨ — #Aerith #エアリス #FF7R
☠️ Ghost pirates #Aerith & #Tifa Happy Halloween 🎃👻🏴‍☠️ I had to rush the coloring (*´Д`*) — #エアリス #ティファ #Halloween2020
スラム街の花売り #FF7 #エアリス