They’re looking for a ride ^_−☆ — #FF7RIntergrade #Aerith #エアリス #Tifa #ティファ
Well guys, your girl finally made it to Midgar... I am sincerely humbled and honored to announce that I voice Yuffie Kisaragi in #FF7RIntergrade #FF7R…
Fangirl - [ファンガール]🥰 サインしてください! #Sakura looks so Happy to see #Yuffie back in action! #FF7RIntergrade #StreetFighter and #FinalFantasyVII fans, enjoy~
Moogle #Yuffie!!! @(・●・)@ Today announcements were soooo exciting! I can’t wait to play the Remake new episode~ (I have another doodle still in WIP, but it’s getting late... so keeping it for tomorrow) — #FF7RIntergrade #ユフィ
Happy #FF7RIntergrade day!!! 🥳 It still feels unreal to be part of the #FinalFantasy7Remake world, as this beloved girl. 💖 Thank you guys for supporting me and the game. I've seen your wonderful comments - I am truly so lucky and grateful to be here.
【予約受付中】6/23発売『FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE Original Soundtrack』商品画像、PV、一部トラックリストを商品サイトにて公開! #FF7RIntergrade…
I know I'm a little late to #FF7RIntergrade hype, but here's a little illustration of everyone's favourite materia thief: Yuffie! #illustration #digitalart #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasyVIIRemake #FF7 #FF7R #SquareEnix #personalart #fanart
Last year promised i would draw Yuffie once her remake design is revealed, so herewegoo~ #FF7RIntergrade #Yuffie
#FF7R_inter ユフィ登場ということで、以前描いた線画に色塗ってみました。 昔、ゴールドソーサーでユフィと観覧車にのろうと頑張った記憶があります。 女装クラウド、ティファ、エアリスのイラストは再掲です。 #FF7R #ff7リメイク #FF7Remake #FF7RIntergrade #FF7
『FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE』発売おめでとう!ユフィさんが来た!🥳 #FF7R #FF7RIntergrade