Sakura: Watching Japanese TV again is like, "Wow, I CAN actually do Japanese!" I mean, I could read it in Korea too, but I had to read through it word by word. In Japan, I just take one look & I can understand everything #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: 2 1/2 years ago, at the concert Sasshi announced her graduation, we had a sendoff. At that time, quite a few members came up to me to tell me that they didn't think they would be there in 2 1/2 years... #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #HKT48 #さくのき
Sakura: First of all, Nappi is sooooo cute! ☺️ She really is the future of HKT48! #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #運上弘菜 #UnjoHirona #HKT48 #さくのき
Sakura: Every time you had to get a shot, you seemed like you were going to die Nako: I got them while holding Hiichan's hand 🥺 #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #YabukiNako #本田仁美 #HondaHitomi #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき Hii babying Nako uwu
Sakura: Today's closing number is NO WAY MAN, the single after it was decided Nako, Hiichan and I were to go to IZ*ONE...Man, this dance was difficult too. Lots of good memories though 🥰 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #HKT48 #さくのき…
Sakura: Many times when I record Saku no Ki I just say whatever without thinking about it, and then it becomes net news. It really doesn't need to happen like that! lol I always feel so sorry after #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: I'm thankful that I was in a place that I could properly value each and every time. Of course, right now I'm very miserable. Even though I knew it was going to be 2 1/2 years, I'm still so frustrated #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Q: How do you make friends when it's only your seniors, like when you first entered senbatsu? Sakura: Well, it won't be all seniors forever. Gradually, people in the same year and/or your juniors will join... #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
🦢(I like) sukiyaki 🐱Right! You said you wanted to eat it no matter what if you came back to Japan 🦢Yeah 🐱Yesterday, both of our moms came to Tokyo & met 🦢After a year 🐱They greeted each other 🦢It was the first time😂 🐱And exchanged souvenirs😂 ▶️ #さくのき #LE_SSERAFIM
Sakura: When you really love someone, it's not just "like", it's "I LOVE YOU" (in English). ...Oh, I'm not saying those words though 🤭 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき Tsundere Sakura 😳
Since Sakura became an idol back when she was in junior high, she missed out on the romanticized ideal of Japanese high school 😟 She's going through her youth in her own way now though #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
生放送の #さくのき を聴きながら、 ナカイの窓を観てる☺︎🌸
🌸「4年半この番組を愛してくれてありがとうございました。いつの日かまた咲良の木の下で☺️」 #ありがとうさくのき #さくのき #宮脇咲良
Q: What makes Little Nightmares II a godly game? Sakura: Wait, are there people who watched the videos but still didn't see the good pts of the game? Well, I guess there are people who are my fans who just watched because of me, not b/c they like games #宮脇咲良 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Thank you for gathering together under the sakura tree today too! This is the last time! 今夜、咲良の木の下で | bayfm78 | 2021/09/29/水 24:00-24:30… #宮脇咲良 #ありがとうさくのき #ToYourDream_Sakura #さくのき
#さくのき 嬉しくて何度も聞きました📻 WIZ*ONEが一緒に喜んでくれて 嬉しかったです🤍 みんながいろんな形で、 一緒に届けてくれたからです。 ありがとう☺️ 『サクラ色の空に』Song for IZ*ONE / 野田愛実(NodaEmi) 🎥 #IZONE #WIZONE
🐱It's almost a year since I've been back. Towards the end of Sakunoki, it was frustrating...I cried while recording it. I received a letter at the end of the script-book which I screenshot & favorited so that I can read it anytime. Like when I feel down & such... ▶️ #さくのき
210619 「宮脇咲良 HKT48 卒業コンサート ~Bouquet~」マリンメッセ福岡A館 SAKURA MIYAWAKI GRADUATION CONCERT #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #HKT48 #さくのき #Bouquet #卒業 #graduation #宮脇咲良卒業コンサート #BouquetofLoveforSakura #咲良ありがとう
Murashige: I also recorded for Saku no Ki, but my bento wasn't as deluxe as Nako's...Twin Planet (Murashige's agency) loses to IZ*ONE... 😆 #矢吹奈子 #야부키나코 #YabukiNako #村重杏奈 #MurashigeAnna #HKT48 #HKTリクアワ #さくのき
/ 🎊1/25(水)日本デビュー記念🎉 #LE_SSERAFIM #SAKURA の2月限定番組✨ 1週目は #KAZUHA#EUNCHAE が登場❗️ \ bayfm78『LE SSERAFIM SAKURAの「今夜、SAKURAの木の下で」』📻 #radiko タイムフリーで聴く⏩… #bayfm #さくのき
Sakura: I used to never be able to talk to my parents about my future or things like that before, but after I became an adult...well, mentally I'm still like a kid lol, but after I become an adult, we became much closer #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: ...and lonely, but those feelings undoubtedly come because the time we spent together was so remarkable. In any case, I will never forget my friends, so for WIZ*ONE, please don't forget you were WIZ*ONE too #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Nako over these 2 1/2 years... she hasn't changed. You might be thinking, "What do you mean?!" She's grown a lot as an idol, but to me she's still that 11 year old I met all those years ago #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #YabukiNako #IZONE #さくのき
IZ*ONEの皆さん2年半本当にありがとうございました😭 そこでIZ*ONEの今までを振り返る動画を作ってみたので是非見てください🥺 #さくのき #IZONE #thankyousakunoki #さくのき勝手に大作戦
Yuihan: How's going to a foreign country by yourself? Well, I guess you weren't really alone, huh Sakura: Right, I had members with me so I didn't ever really feel homesick either #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #HKT48 #さくのき