"What did IZ*ONE members say that made you happy?" Sakura: For Nako...when Yena forgot you were Japanese Nako: Right, they'd forget we were from Japan Sakura: Only when we spoke Japanese, "Oh yeah...you're Japanese!" #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: We also had 3 PCR tests, and each time on the way there Nako would already be going, "Can't do it. Nope. No way" Nako: Because, the only ones in Korea are the ones they stick up your nose! 😒 #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Every time you had to get a shot, you seemed like you were going to die Nako: I got them while holding Hiichan's hand 🥺 #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #YabukiNako #本田仁美 #HondaHitomi #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき Hii babying Nako uwu
Nako: In IZ*ONE, we'd have our fixed positions, but no matter if we were in one row or two, I would always be standing next to Sakuchan Sakura: ...Huh, that's true Nako: It gave me a sense of security with you there next to me 🥺 #宮脇咲良 #矢吹奈子 #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: When it was decided we'd join IZ*ONE, I messaged Sashiko-chan telling her the news, but Nako didn't say anything at all. Were you scared? Nako: No, I just didn't think about that kind of stuff at all 😅 #宮脇咲良 #矢吹奈子 #IZONE #HKT48 #さくのき
Nako: When I woke up, I saw something completely wrapped in blankets. ..."Oh, it's Sakuchan" Sakura: Somehow, Yujin ended up joining us when we were sleeping because it was too hot in her room too #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: In New York, we had 3 days off. We were staying in a K-CON hotel, but then we moved to a 4-story house Nako: We didn't have enough beds, there weren't even 6 of them 😅 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #야부키나코 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Nako: Whenever we went abroad, I would always room with Sakuchan. I'll never forget ordering room service Sakura: That time in New York? Nako: I can't speak English at all, so I left everything to Sakuchan #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Nako: The three of us (SaNaKi) all tried to help each other out Sakura: We told ourselves we'd try speaking in Korean to each other, but we quickly gave up lol #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #YabukiNako #本田仁美 #HondaHitomi #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: What were your feelings when you decided to audition for IZ*ONE? Although I guess almost everyone did Nako: But I heard of all the groups, HKT had the most members try out #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #야부키나코 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Thank you! Nako is pretty much like a real little sister to me 😀 From here on too, please continue being my little sister 💕 I love you! Nako: I was so happy for us 2 to be able to talk together. Once again...I love Sakuchan #宮脇咲良 #矢吹奈子 #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
I can't believe IZ*ONE let her continue her personal radio program the whole time, but now immediately after she returns to Korea it's cut 😖 Might not even be a HYBE thing (maybe just logistics?) but Saku no Ki was the easiest way for Sakura to speak to fans weekly 🥺 #さくのき
Sakura just announced that Saku no Ki will end at the end of September!😭 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき Is this the HYBE contract getting in the way?
Sakura: At my graduation concert, Nako didn't cry during rehearsals so I thought she was going to be ok, but when it came to the real thing, she started up Nako: I mean, I was looking into your eyes, and then the lyrics too... 🥺 #宮脇咲良 #矢吹奈子 #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Ok, here's the ending number! Nako: Before that, I have a letter for you! Sakura: But why? 😆 Ah, you surprised me! It even has the character you like on it #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #야부키나코 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Going abroad was so fun! Vacations are the best! ...Well, it wasn't a vacation, we were going for work, but anyways. It was our first time flying first class too #宮脇咲良 #矢吹奈子 #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき IZ*ONE giving them the first class treatment 😘
Sakura: It really was tough for us until we learned to speak Korean. But Nako learned so quickly, I was asking her what people were saying lol. The first word I learned was the word for "ume" #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: We talked too much last week lol. We can really only fit 20 min of conversation into a week Nako: How long did we talk? Sakura: 40 min Nako: We talked twice as much! 😅 Sakura: Ah well, they can listen to the longer version on demand then #宮脇咲良 #矢吹奈子 #さくのき
24:00~ #宮脇咲良 @39saku_chan 『今夜、咲良の木の下で』 #さくのき bayfm.co.jp/program/saku/ ▽夏のSP企画!「さくのき真夏の三番勝負」!3人目のゲストは、HKT48の矢吹奈子 @nako_yabuki_75 さん!今回は、IZ*ONE時代のエピソードを話します。⇒saku@bayfm.co.jp #bayfm radiko.jp/share/?sid=BAY…
2年半で変わったこと 🐧「距離が縮まって好きとか言えない関係!恥ずかしくて」 🌸「家族に好きっていうのと同じ感覚!近すぎて言えない」 さくなこはリアル家族なんよ🥲 #さくのき #矢吹奈子 #宮脇咲良
Sakura: Is there something you want to try, be it in HKT48 or personally? Nako: In HKT48, I'd like to be able to do a normal concert again, not a graduation concert 🥺 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #야부키나코 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Nako: Name 5 things you like about me! Sakura: 1. Your singing. Watching you, it's like I'm looking at something that was created and not real, it's too good #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #야부키나코 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Nako: What do you think my blood type is? Sakura: It has to be A, right? I mean, you were bitten by so many mosquitoes in Korea Nako: But mosquitoes like O! Sakura: Maybe Japanese mosquitos, but I think Korean mosquitos like A #宮脇咲良 #矢吹奈子 #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: When our moms went to the IZ*ONE Cafe and even started trading coasters, I was thinking, "Give us a break!" 😂 I mean, the atmosphere of those 3 are really similar to us so probably everyone figured out they were SaNaKi's moms #宮脇咲良 #矢吹奈子 #IZONE #HKT48 #さくのき
Sakura: So what was up with your mom asking for my signature from you? Nako: I mean...we're a bit too close lol. It's more normal when someone's mom asks for it 😅 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #야부키나코 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき