Sakura: What motivates someone if they don't have an oshi? I mean, for me, I have games and movies, but those are more like hobbies. I think those who have an oshi understand, but hobbies and having an oshi is different #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: This is being recorded on the 7th...I have practice again after this, so I'm recording this during my break lol. I ordered hormone soondobu so that it would arrive now, it's right in front of my eyes 🍲 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: There's days when you feel like you can't get things done too. If that's the case, take it easy and save your energy for the next day and give it your all then. I think that's a valid way of living too #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Fan: What person or thing gives you motivation? Sakura: Uh...myself, probably lol. If I feel like I'm not giving it my all lately, I'll look at past videos of myself. "Ah, I was so young then but yet I was trying so hard...what am I doing now?" #宮脇咲良 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Wow, my fans really do love me, don't they?! I really love you all too! I❤️U! #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: So you want to try something new? I heard this, but humans all have a capacity like a suitcase. You have room for like work, hobbies, relationships, but when you want to start something new, you have to make room #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: There's billions of women out there in this world, there's definitely one out there for you, your destined partner #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Since Sakura became an idol back when she was in junior high, she missed out on the romanticized ideal of Japanese high school 😟 She's going through her youth in her own way now though #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: When you really love someone, it's not just "like", it's "I LOVE YOU" (in English). ...Oh, I'm not saying those words though 🤭 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき Tsundere Sakura 😳
Sakura: I want to go back to school! I want to experience the springtime of youth~ Specifically, high school? My mom says high school was the best time for her too. Doesn't everyone say it? Everyone talks about how high school was the most fun #宮脇咲良 #IZONE #さくのき
Fan: I have a WIZ*ONE girlfriend and she won a Saku no Ki t-shirt. She wants us to have a pair look so I've been sending mail each week too, but why do girls like to match? It's kind of embarrassing... Sakura: Wait, why is it embarrassing? DO IT #宮脇咲良 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Thinking back to the auditions...isn't it crazy, appearing on a foreign audition program without even knowing the language? I don't even know if the me now would be able to do it, it was so frantic lol #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: My memories from one year ago...I remember the Saku no Ki staff came all the way from Japan just to record in the cold #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: For me, [the highest point] is definitely the stage, right? I mean, IZ*ONE's personal lives and stuff are interesting and all, but I feel we're at our best on stage #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: We didn't know they would play our old videos at the Seoul Music Awards either, so it was really moving #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
I can't side with the WIZ*ONE in this case 😑 Telling someone who already has a boyfriend that you still like her & asking her to break up with him so you two can get together isn't cool, even if you liked her for a long time #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: By the way, Minju's birthday is Feb 5th! Happy Birthday! 🎂 Minju is becoming an adult too, huh... 😭 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #김민주 #KimMinju #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Remember how I said I was writing a diary? My entries have been getting shorter and recent entry is like 3 sentences. "I played games. I ate." End 😂 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: How is it already February?! Every day is really passing by too me! #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: I don't know what my mom's dreams were, but she put me ahead of them so she could raise me up 🥺 #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: The people who have followed my activities already know, but my mother is very young. I'm 22 going on 23, but when my mom was my age, I was already 2. I can't imagine having a 2 year old baby already... #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき