Sakura: "Destiny" really feels like a Japanese anime song, painting a beautiful picture for us. It was destiny that the 12 of us would meet... #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
なこちゃんがさくちゃんに宛てた手紙「IZ*ONEになってから本当の姉妹みたいって言われることがあってずっと恥ずかしくて気持ち隠してたけど本当はいつもうれしかったです」😭😭 #さくのき #さくなこ
Sakura: I actually wrote 3 songs for IZ*ONE. They were meant for this time, but unfortunately, we haven't been able to make them publicly available. One of the songs talks about losing your way in the dark with a starry night #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Nako: In IZ*ONE, we'd have our fixed positions, but no matter if we were in one row or two, I would always be standing next to Sakuchan Sakura: ...Huh, that's true Nako: It gave me a sense of security with you there next to me 🥺 #宮脇咲良 #矢吹奈子 #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: How did your parents feel about you joining LE SERRAFIM? Kazuha: They kept thinking that I was just pranking them 😆 Sakura: And now they support you fully #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #LE_SSERAFIM #SAKURA #さくのき #さくのきcomeback
昨日のさくのきのオンデマンド聞いてくれましたか? 生放送で話してない部分もあるので「まだだよ〜」って方は聞いて下さい^^ 昨日リアルタイムでさくのき聞けなかった方も是非っ♡ #さくのき #しげのき #あおいのき
🌸「4年半この番組を愛してくれてありがとうございました。いつの日かまた咲良の木の下で☺️」 #ありがとうさくのき #さくのき #宮脇咲良
Sakura: It's important to have ambition, but also important to not try to reach too high. Otherwise, you won't recognize the growth you yourself have made along the way #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
Sakura: Nako didn't cry during rehearsals for "Yume Miteiru Aida." The next song is a cheerful song too so I thought I would make it through ok, but once Nako started crying, the dams burst for me too. I wanted to be together with Nako longer... #宮脇咲良 #HKT48 #さくのき
Q: What's one small happiness you felt recently? Sakura: Before this, we were signing albums & Yena was next to me. Without having to ask, "Unnie, do you want any?" she just passed me a chocolate and I ate it silently too. It felt like we were a family #宮脇咲良 #IZONE #さくのき
LE SSERAFIM SAKURAの「今夜、SAKURAの木の下で」 #さくのき 1月25日(水)に日本デビューするLE SSERAFIMのSAKURAが日本デビューを記念して、今回は、1カ月限定で、bayfmにカムバック! #LE_SSERAFIM #르세라핌 #FEARLESS_JP @shrghkqud_LSRF… #bayfm
さくのき今夜復活を記念して、IZ*ONE活動終了前日さくのきの名言を LE SSERAFIM、IVE、AKB、HKT、他のみんな ックラの言ったことが現実になってきてて鳥肌しかないです #さくのき #さくのきcomeback #LIKELABO
Sakura: It's been a flurry of activity this last week. Yena suddenly came by our dorm. She looked through my things, saying, "Kkura, you won't wear this again, right?" and took several outfits back with her 🤣 #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #최예나 #ChoiYena #IZONE #さくのき
24:00~ #松風雅也 @matsukazest 『BAYFM CREATORS BANK~LIKE LABO~』 #LIKELABO ▽2週間限定の「今夜、咲良の木の下で」カムバックSP!LE SSERAFIM @le_sserafim #SAKURA#KAZUHA が登場!⇒ #bayfm #LE_SSERAFIM #さくのき…
Sakura: Minju asked me the other day if I wasn't way too busy and told me that I should rest more. "Stop playing games and go to sleep earlier!" I felt like she was paying close attention to me ☺️ #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #김민주 #KimMinju #IZONE #HKT48 #さくのき
仕事中でリアルタイムで聞けなかったんだけど 今タイムフリーで #さくのき 聴いてます😭🤍 まさかご本人が聴いてくれたなんて 泣いてる、、、🥲💕 一生ついていく、、、 本当にありがとうございます🌸 今夜、咲良の木の下で | bayfm78… #radiko #さくのき #宮脇咲良 さん…
仕事中でリアルタイムで聞けなかったんだけど 今タイムフリーで #さくのき 聴いてます😭🤍 まさかご本人が聴いてくれたなんて 泣いてる、、、🥲💕 一生ついていく、、、 本当にありがとうございます🌸 今夜、咲良の木の下で | bayfm78… #radiko #さくのき #宮脇咲良 さん…
Sakura: My feelings now...well, it's been about 1 1/2 months since our last concert and we had a period with nothing in our schedules. We were just in the dorms, going out to eat together and going on trips #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #さくのき
LE SSERAFIM SAKURAの「今夜、SAKURAの木の下で」2月1日(水)放送後記… Listen:… #さくのき #SAKUNOKI #LE_SSERAFIM
【花びらズ🌸🌱家族の話と仕送りダンボール📦】 🌸「家族の反応はどうだった?」 🦢「最初の反応は、"え?詐欺じゃない"?ww」 🦢「バンドを組んでいたお父さんとダンスをしていたお母さん」 🌸「月に1回ダンボールの仕送り届くよね📦ww」 🦢「今回は誰の?みたいなw」 #さくのき #さくのきcomeback
Sakura: My first impression of Nako was from Wink wa Sankai. They called the members to a meeting room and told us you were going to be the center. Looking at you, I was like, "Ooh, we have a BABY!" 🥺 #宮脇咲良 #MiyawakiSakura #矢吹奈子 #YabukiNako #HKT48 #IZONE #さくのき