昨日は月が綺麗でした。 I'd like to let you know my new master piece,2021-2022 will be ready soon. It's a story for the greatest challenger, and for all challengers. #YuzuruHanyu𓃵 #羽生結弦 #羽生結弦2021ー2022
I decided the photo position after seeing the practice of the day. I wanted to see the challenger trying to move forward even in adversity from a close distance. #YuzuruHanyu𓃵 #羽生結弦 #羽生結弦2021ー2022 #フィギュアスケート #figureskate
He has always put his goals into words. It should be easier not to do so. He says, "I'm not strong". I think he ,in the face of a big challenge needed "a determined mind" . It can be obtained by putting the goal into words. #YuzuruHanyu𓃵 #羽生結弦 #羽生結弦2021ー2022
It will be announced soon! The photo book is in the shape of a square. #羽生結弦2021ー2022 日本でも発売されます! #YuzuruHanyu𓃵 #羽生結弦
名作が生まれてしまいました…! A masterpiece has been born. これからに続く大切な記憶が詰まった物語です。 It ’s a story filled with important memories that will continue into the future. #羽生結弦2021ー2022 #羽生結弦 #YuzuruHanyu𓃲 #フィギュアスケート #figureskating
#羽生結弦2021ー2022 This photobook is slightly influenced by the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody". The last part of the photobook, "春よ、来い" is like "LIVE AID". Yuzuru's figureskating touched the hearts of people all over the world. Like Freddie's voice at that time.
写真集 #羽生結弦2021ー2022 セブンネットショッピングさんで予約が開始されました。 7net.omni7.jp/detail/1107314… ショップ報知でもご予約を受け付けておりますが、こちらは送料と手数料がかかります… shop.hochi.co.jp 宜しくお願い申し上げます!