I am new to the franchise but fell in love right away after #FE3H 💕 . Now i am dusting off my Nintendo 3DS and playing FE:E while waiting for next FE title. PS: Claude is my fave boi! #エアFEExpo
I've been drawing Fire Emblem for longer than I'd thought (3 years)! It's the first fandom I've been involved in, and I'm so glad to have been introduced to the series and the folks in the community. I think it'll continue to remain special to me for a long time😭! #エアFEExpo
#エアFEExpo TLで盛り上がりを見て参加!(`・ω・´) 大阪開催だったとは...地元だ☺️
Although I've only played the most recent titles, FE has inspired me a lot in my art journey + the friends I've met through the community! For that, I'm so grateful, thank you Fire Emblem 💕#エアFEExpo