2021.08.13 🎥 Wangpaixidi Bilibili
Zhang Hao dancing to Best Friend (ACD Video Focus Cut)
#zhanghao #章昊 #장하오 #boysplanet #보이즈플래닛
[xhs] translated an old post from the photographer of this #zhanghao violin photoshoot
certificates made by #zhanghao’s china bar marking every milestone of no. of albums sold!
10k → 20k → 30k
c-rosins are joking that the albums are selling so fast, hao cbar’s graphic designer must be really busy~
[xhs] #zhanghao
hao really seems to be the most spoilt member in zb1, by zb1
whatever he wants to eat he will eat, even if it’s in someone else’s bowl he’ll grab it 🥰
[weibo] cnetz on the #zhanghao babygirl agenda
caption: recently my twitter has been filled with babygirl hao. who says he can’t be an alpha on stage and a babygirl off stage?
[xhs] #zhanghao
i really like when hao wears earrings, who else gets it!
i’m always captivated by his details, his big ears are so suited for earrings, i like!
#zhanghao’s supertopic is now trending at no.1 !!! 冲冲冲 twitter.com/zbstars/status…
cfans were calling #zhanghao “destined to be center” because of this old comment on his pre-debut dance cover
💬 did the center advance? he’s so handsome help (dec 2020)
- the center went to korea to compete 😭😭😭 he’s the chinese center 😭 (dec 2022)
[weibo] on #zhanghao’s charming nonchalance lol
during kcon he wiped bin’s sweat then just turned away from him, completely unconcerned with his response. here, he waited as yujin put on glasses for him, then immediately directed his gaze elsewhere, leaving yujin to stare at him twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[weibo] #zhanghao
op: “to be honest i never believed male clean freaks existed, but after i saw these i believed it”
comment: “my god, does he know how to do cuticle care? all sides of his nails are so clean”
comment from a friend of a friend of #zhanghao!
“my friend is good friends with him, my friend told me he’s a really hardworking person who works hard towards whatever he decides he wants to do, so he’s really quite strong.”
cfans noticed it looks like #zhanghao might be holding a tarot card, ‘the fool’ in the teaser
wiki says it represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginners luck, improvisation and believing in the universe
230323 — #zhanghao #sunghanbin tomboy mcountdown stage photos
[xhs] #zhanghao
post: his natural V-shaped face
- the type of face that SM likes, SM could probably model their faces after hao’s
- his natural face is too good
- my god, baobao’s face is really so small
- it’s amazing how his jaw is actually natural born
[douban] a thinkpiece on #zhanghao’s good memory and capable brain! twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#zhanghao’s supertopic (超话) is currently trending no.5 overall on weibo!
congratulations to our p01 & p02 centerz
#sunghanbin #zhanghao
[xhs] #zhanghao
is this zhang hao?
during an event at fuzhou park on 10 july 2021, i conveniently took a picture of him because i thought he was really handsome, i only just realised he looks a bit like zhang hao but i’m not too sure, what do you guys think?
[weibo] #zhanghao
f*ck, his cold look in this moment is so attention-grabbing…
the second before he was still like hehehaha and playing, the next second he suddenly kept his emotions, acted angry and even waved his fist, when bin saw he quickly ate it… hao can be fierce 🚬