#Serbia is honored to welcome @GiuseppeConteIT . Today we will discuss how to further strengthen our strategic partnership & work together to increase trade and investments for the benefit of people of both nations #zauvekzajedno #sempreinsieme
The support we have from #Italy is valued by #Serbia . Together with @GiuseppeConteIT @predsednikrs , we reconfirm our intention to deepen the partnership on the economy between our countries. #zauvekzajedno #sempreinsieme
Са италијанским премијером @GiuseppeConteIT разговарали смо о стратешком партнерству и сарадњи две земље. Кључне економске теме: Италија је прво извозно тржиште за српску привреду и други по величини спољнотрговински партнер Србије #zauvekzajedno #sempreinsieme
Delighted to host @GiuseppeConteIT on his first bilateral visit in Europe in 2019. It is a symbol of the long friendship between #Serbia and #Italy as we celebrate 140 years diplomatic relations and 10 years of strategic partnership #zauvekzajedno #sempreinsieme