[“Nothing gets past me!”] Happy Birthday, Yuri Leclerc! [8/12] 🐺 He’s so precious I wish him eternal happiness! Take good care of your leader, Wolves! #ユーリスルクレール生誕祭2020 #yuriweek2020 #yurileclercweek2020 #yurileclerc #AshenWolves
Yuri Leclerc week day 5 (late!) I really wanted to finish the last prompt: "Family/Connections" Yuri mama and baby Yuri in their cold little village in Faerghus... (I headcanon that Yuri looks exactly like her!) #yuriweek2020 #yurileclercweek2020 #yurileclerc #ユーリス
Yuri Leclerc Week Day 4 Free day prompt! So I drew Byleth greeting his husband in the morning with coffee☕️ #yuriweek2020 #yurileclercweek2020 #yurileclerc #yurileth