200mバタフライで世界新記録を樹立して優勝しました!! 本命の400m個人メドレーでも4連覇と世界新記録を目指して頑張ります! 🌎New world record🌎 200m FLY 1:48.24 #swimming #worldrecord #200m #FLY #FINA #hangzhou2018 #worldscchampionships
Rika #Kihira got the highest score ever in a women's short program. The sixteen year old Japanese has become the first skater in history to exceed 83 points. Rika performed a superlative triple axel. 83.97 is the new World Record. #WTT2019 #紀平梨花 #fukuoka #worldrecord
遂にやりました!🥳 なんと世界最大51インチのリムが完成!装着希望者募集!😎⁠ WE DID IT! The largest wheel barrel in the World! 51inch! Who's ready to rock that? 💪⁠ #wedidit #worldrecord #エイプリルフール