#Lookback #Day3 & 5 Huge Thank You to #ShingoKatori for joining in VC ”佐藤選手の金メダルで初めて国立に日本国旗が上がって国歌が流れ, スタッフの皆さんも感動していた。僕はパラを知って明日へのパワーをもらえた。だから一人でも多くに知ってほしかった。” #wethe15 #パラサポ #Paralympics twitter.com/YasushiYamawak…
#Day5 another Huge congrats to #TomokiSato for winning 2nd gold in men’s 1500m T52 and #HirokazuUeyonabaru for his 2nd bronze.Thank you again to #ShingoKatori #IPCSpecialAmbassador for presenting medals to incredible athletes. #Tokyo2020 #Paralympics #wethe15 #パラサポ
#Lookback #Day8 Huge Thank You to #TsuyoshiKusanagi for joining in VC “ボッチャ杉村選手に念力を送った。 パラリンピックを通して、誰に対しても優しい世の中になってほしい。パラアスリートの魅力にもっとたくさんの方が気付いてもらうために僕らは頑張る。” #wethe15 #パラサポ #Paralympics twitter.com/yasushiyamawak…
#Day8 amazing #HidetakaSugimura’s performance overwhelmed #Rio champion 5-0 in boccia individuals BC2. Huge Congrats for winning gold.Massive thanks to #TsuyoshiKusanagi #IPCspecialambassador for presenting medals to fantastic athletes. #Tokyo2020 #Paralympics #wethe15 #パラサポ
#Day3 Huge Congrats to T52 #TomokiSato for setting a Paralympic record in the men’s 400m to win the Gold and #HirokazuUeyonabaru for Bronze. Big Thankyou to #ShingoKatori #IPCSpecialAmbassador for joining in VC as a Medal presenter. #Tokyo2020 #Paralympics #wethe15 #パラサポ
#Day5 Huge congrats to #NaohideYamaguchi for setting a stunning world record and winning gold in men’s SB14 100m. Thank you to #GoroInagaki for presenting medals to amazing Para-swimmers. #Tokyo2020 #Paralympics #wethe15 #パラサポ #changestartwithsport #世界に一つだけの花
#Day10 Celebrating Team Japan’s stunning 1-2 finish in men’s S11 100m butterfly. Can’t find any word to congratulate #KeiichiKimura.Big congrats to #UchuTomita for claiming silver. So moved to present medals to fascinating athletes in #Tokyo2020 #Paralympics #wethe15 #パラサポ twitter.com/YasushiYamawak…