“don’t spend too much time worrying about what other people think of you. most people don’t even know what they think of themselves” #webelong twitter.com/dreamdovelie/s…
#webelong for me is about being independent/whole on your own, but admitting you’re in intense love/lust & you can’t think about anything or anyone but that person. that feel of tunnel vision & not giving a fuck about anyone else or what they think. when it’s right it’s right 🤷🏼‍♀️ t.co/0MskmfoMYx
stay focused, don’t try to make everyone happy, don’t become someone else to please boys, invest in yourself, be kind to your body, don’t be afraid to be all of you, even if it makes people uncomfortable. #webelong twitter.com/singularbing/s…
cut them, and wish them well. you’re worth too much to waste years in an unhealthy space. #webelong twitter.com/gilinskysuwu/s…
my boyfriend got me loads of pies and croissants and champaign and flowers and we watched my favorite movie 😌🍾💥 #webelong twitter.com/outxftouch/sta…