We got the receipt he’s back 😀! Here’s a video of @MattAnderson_1 at practice yesterday with Team 🇺🇸. Thank you for the video @usavolleyball! 🚨 Don’t forget Men’s World Champs Aug 26 - Sep 11 📺 Watch the matches on VBTV. 🏐 #Electrifying2022 #volleyball twitter.com/volleyballworl…
Matt Anderson is B A C K 🥳! One of Team USA's most experienced players is back and his name is on the preliminary roster for the upcoming World Champs Aug 26 - Sep 11. 🇺🇸 Roster: bit.ly/3QrdaUv 📰 Read more: bit.ly/3QqC2vB ⚡️ #Electrifying2022 #volleyball
Kentaro will not play at the 2022 World Champs. 🇯🇵 Japan's Roster: bit.ly/3oYI8r7 📰 Read more: bit.ly/3QqC2vB ⚡️ #Electrifying2022 #volleyball twitter.com/volleyballworl…
タイにて開催される「2022AVCカップ男子」に出場する男子日本代表チームは本日午前、ウェイトトレーニングで調整を行いました。 初戦のインド戦🇮🇳まであと2日🏐🔥 #バレー #バレーボール #japanvolleyball #volleyball #ALLforPARIS24
「2022AVCカップ男子」に出場する男子日本代表チームは、大会が行われるタイに到着しています🇹🇭 3日(水)午後、オーストラリアと練習試合を行い、セットカウント3-0(25-20、25-20、25-21)で勝利しました。 #バレー #バレーボール #japanvolleyball #volleyball #ALLforPARIS24
The return of Carol Gattaz! Fans may have missed her at the 2022 VNL but the 41 year old middle blocker has rejoined Brazil 🇧🇷 to train for the upcoming World Champs. ➡️ 2022 World Champs Schedule: bit.ly/3POkrh4 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #Electrifying2022 #volleyball
#VNLFinals Recap: JAPAN 🇯🇵 Making it to the VNL Final Round for the very first time was already a big accomplishment for Ryujin Nippon and for their fans to be very proud of. 📺 Watch all #VNL matches on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL2022
#龍神NIPPON#村山豪 選手からメッセージ🏐 \ @gomurayama_ #VNL2022 で代表デビューし、 力強いブロックとサーブで活躍⭐️ これから更に成長していく村山選手の 応援をよろしくお願いします👏🏻 #バレーボール #japanvolleyball #volleyball #ALLforPARIS24
「2022男子バレーボール世界選手権壮行試合 日本代表紅白戦 in 沖縄」#龍神NIPPON チーム分け決定 #ALLforPARIS24 #バレーボール #バレー #volleyball bit.ly/3OFcrhb
#龍神NIPPON / 明日から沖縄で紅白戦🏐🌺 \ #西田有志 選手 @volleyball1301#高橋藍 選手 @Ran_volley0902 からの メッセージをお届け💁🏻‍♀️ グッズ・当日券の販売時間などはツリーをご覧ください。 皆さまのご来場をお待ちしております🥰 #ALLforPARIS24 #バレーボール #バレー #volleyball
Trevor Clevenot 🇫🇷: 2022 VNL Best Outside Hitter. The 28 year old took his game to the next level throughout the VNL and also in the Finals which helped France won their first VNL 🏆. 📺 Watch all #VNL matches on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL2022
The Challenge Call that eliminated Australia's chances of making it to the 2023 #VNL. 🇰🇷 advance to the SF Round on Saturday. 📺 Watch the Men's & Women's #ChallengerCup July 28-31 on VBTV. ⏰ Full schedule on volleyballworld.com 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball
/ 明日の #TIME体操 は… 2回目の登場 #石川祐希 選手🏐 \ 8月26日開幕の世界バレー🏐へ向け 一刻も早い怪我からの回復を願っています🙇 📺THE TIME,📺 朝5時20分頃~ 放送予定⏰ ちなみに…前回の放送はこちらから👀⏩youtu.be/fyIWDML_A00 #volleyball @THETIME_TBS
【井上愛里沙選手移籍のお知らせ】 この度、井上愛里沙選手がフランスリーグ🇫🇷Saint-Raphaël(サン=ラファエル)への移籍が決まりましたのでお知らせいたします。 詳細は下記URLにてご確認ください。 saga-springs.co.jp/2022/07/28/ #井上愛里沙 #SaintRaphaël #ArisaInoue #バレーボール #volleyball
#VNLFinals Recap: Japan 🇯🇵 We saw lot of a promising new stars from Coach Manabe's squad who were fearless playing against the world's best teams in the VNL. 📺 Watch all #VNL matches on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL2022
#VNLFinals Recap: Thailand 🇹🇭 This new generation of players are making their fans & predecessors proud. We can't wait to see them play again at the World Champs. Keep smiling Team Thailand 🇹🇭 ! 📺 Watch all VNL matches on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL2022
Jean Patry 🇫🇷: 2022 VNL Best Opposite. After playing 3 matches in the #VNLFinals, the 25 year old was the #1 scorer and the #1 attacker. ✨ Dream Team Story: bit.ly/3vlx0Iv 📺 Watch all #VNL matches on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL2022
THANK YOU 😊! A million thanks to all the volunteers around the world who were part of the 2022 #VNL. Your time & effort are forever appreciated. See you next year ☺️! 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL2022
TJ DeFalco As An Opposite 🤯 ! In the last 3 sets of the gold medal match versus France 🇫🇷, Coach Speraw put TJ as an opposite hitter for the first time. Here's some of his best plays! 📺 Full match replays of the #VNL on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL2022
2022 #VNL DREAM TEAM 🤩: MVP: Ngapeth 🇫🇷 OHs: Ngapeth 🇫🇷 & Clevenot 🇫🇷 MBs: Smith 🇺🇸 & Bieniek 🇵🇱 S: Christenson 🇺🇸 OPP: Patry 🇫🇷 L: Grebennikov 🇫🇷 📰 Story: bit.ly/3RYv6Yc 📺 Watch the #VNLFinals matches on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #VNL2022 #volleyball
France 🇫🇷 : The 2022 #VNL Gold Medalists. The reigning Olympic champions are now reigning VNL champions too after defeating 🇺🇸 to win with their first VNL 🏆. 📰: bit.ly/3PAlX6g 📺 Full match replays of the #VNLFinals on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL2022
The 2022 Men's #VNL Medalists: 🥇 France 🇫🇷 🥈 USA 🇺🇸 🥉 Poland 🇵🇱 📰 Recap: bit.ly/3ov5l49 📺 Full match replays of the #VNLFinals on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL2022
THAT’S A WRAP 🥳 !!! #VNL2022 IS OFFICIALLY OVER BUT STAY TUNED FOR OUR #VNL RECAP. 📺 Full match replays on VBTV. 🏐 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball
Setter: Micah Christenson 🇺🇸 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL #VNL2022
Outside Hitters: Trevor Clevenot 🇫🇷 Earvin Ngapeth 🇫🇷 #BePartOfTheGame #volleyball #VNL #VNL2022 twitter.com/volleyballworl…